Hi Nicolas,

--- Le Sommer Nicolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have found 2 bugs in the current CVS version (28
> May 2002)

thanks for reporting the bug.

> Bug#1 Installation : Compilation of java classes
> (make build-classes)
> Compiling classes ...
> Issued 1 system warning:
> *** Warning: The file
> "/opt/java/kaffe/share/kaffe/rtj.jar" is not a valid
> zip file.

For some reason "/opt/java/kaffe/share/kaffe/rtj.jar"
is in your classpath. Take if out of there.

> Issued 1 semantic warning compiling
> "java/awt/Toolkit.java":
>    504. native static synchronized void
> imgProduceImage( ImageNativeProducer prod, Ptr
> imgData);
>     <----------------->
> *** Warning: The type "ImageNativeProducer" is
> defined in the file "Image.java" but referenced in
> the file "java/awt/Toolkit.java". It is recommended
> that it be redefined in "ImageNativeProducer.java".
> rm -f lib/Klasses.jar

This is just a jikes warning about an ugly aspect of
our library implementation. Nothing to worry. ;)

> Bug#2 Utilisation of jikes to compile java files
> jikes *.java

Is "jikes *.java" the output of "make Klasses" or
something you typed in?

> Found 2 system errors and issued 1 warning:
> *** Error: Could not find package "java/util" in:
>                 /opt/java/kaffe/share/kaffe/rtj.jar
>                 .
>                 .
> *** Warning: The file
> "/opt/java/kaffe/share/kaffe/rtj.jar" is not a valid
> zip file.
> *** Error: Could not find package "java/lang" in:
>                 /opt/java/kaffe/share/kaffe/rtj.jar
>                 .
>                 .

For some reason jikes keeps looking for class files in
the non-existing file. the share/kaffe directory
structure looks kind of odd, I thought Jim changed
kaffe's directory layout to match that of jdk 1.2 more
closely. You may have some odd config file problems.

could you get a fresh copy of the source from CVS, do
a  "./configure; make Klasses" and report if the error
still exists?

best regards,

dalibor topic

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