Hi xu,

--- xch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  In my application, I start two threads, one is
> doing something ,the other is measuring the free
> space of the total System in a certain interval(5
> milliseconds) by calling the method above while the
> first one is runing.
>  I use kaffe to run it, the measuring thread always
> get a constant value, I can not understand and think
> it's impossible since another thread must use some
> memory.I run my application using JDK1.3, things
> goes well, I can see the measured value is changing.
> Could you please tell me where is the wrong thing?  

it depends what your worker method is doing.

If you have a method that keeps allocating more
memory, than you should see the free memory decrease.
If on the other hand your worker method calls some
system methods to do some work, than the outcome is
implemenation specific. Kaffe's implementation of the
system methods could be more efficient than Sun's, and
don't require new objects to be instantiated, for

best regards,

dalibor topic

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