--- Ito Kazumitsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In message "Re: [kaffe] Kaffe CVS: kaffe dalibor"
>     on 02/11/28, Dalibor Topic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> > > except that java.net.URI is needed.
> > 
> > And here it comes ;) I've attached a partial
> > implementation of java.net.URI, and a few fixes to
> > java.util.regexp.* . Could you give it it a try ?
> If
> > it works for you, I'll pass it on to Classpath /
> > gnu.regexp.
> Thank you for your powerful efforts,  Dalibor.
> Your uri.diff works but
> gnu/regexp/MessagesBundle.properties is
> missing.  Adding the directory which contains
> gnu/regexp/MessagesBundle.properties,  I could get a
> good result.

Oops, I forgot to tell you to update from CVS.  It's
already fixed. 

I'm really glad to hear it works. Thanks for getting
kaffe so far.

I'll write up a Change log and submit it to Classpath


dalibor topic

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