Hi Tim.

> Oh, forgot...  Since you're returning false its expecting an error 
> message in 'einfo'.  For example:
>       postExceptionMessage(einfo,
>                            JAVA_LANG(ClassFormatError),
>                            "(class: %s) ...",
>                            CLASS_CNAME(this));
> otherwise, you get this error:
> >     Exception thrown on null object ... aborting
> >     Aborted

oh ho :)  after adding that, it exits normally.  i gotta wonder if all the
"return false" statements from that method should be replace, or at least
accompanied by, postExceptionMessage statements.  if so, i can go ahead
and do that and post a patch.

as far as exception posting goes, i'm a little lost as to figuring out how
it is implemented internally.  i'll start a separate thread with my

> tim


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