In message "Re: [kaffe] Simple program shows strange results"
    on 03/03/06, "Kevin D. Kissell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So the problem may be unique to x86 platforms, and if so,
> that vastly reduces the number of places one needs to look
> for the problem.  It may be an x86 JIT bug, for example.
> Could someone run the test on an interpretive-only x86
> kaffe?

I rebuilt CVS version of kaffe on a machine:

   $ uname -a
   Linux 2.0.38 #2 Sun Jan 2 11:44:53 JST 2000 i686 unknown


    ./configure --with-engine=intrp --with-rt-jar=/usr/local/kaffe/jre/lib/rt.jar

and got sastisfactory results.

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