Hi Dalibor,

> The only reference to HPI I could find was
> http://java.sun.com/j2me/docs/pdf/CDCFoundation_Porting_Guide.pdf . Is that
> the one you are talking about.
Well, what I tried to get hands on is probably that. I just read about it in a 
Paper and thought that this would be a good start to make Java-thread 
scheduling more transparent for the OS, since it had an explicit interface to 
control thread state.

I wrote the authors of the paper about a week ago, but didn't get a response 
yet... The only reference of their paper I couldn't check for HPI was the 
"Inside JVM" book they mentioned. Maybe somebody here has it and can check if 
it mentions HPI.

> Edouard's porting guide is a good start:
> http://egp.free.fr/port-kaffe/port-kaffe-0.2.html
> There is the config/cpu/os directory. That's where definitions of system
> call macros, thread stack size, stack pointer offset, jit and interpreter
> instruction set definitions, etc. go. If your platform doesn't offer a
> unix'ish API, you'll have to implement your own threading system under
> kaffe/kaffevm/system/. You'll also have to define threadsafe functions for
> performing unix'ish operations defined in include/jsyscalls.h in
> kaffe/kaffevm/system/your-system/syscall.c. If you want to use the AWT and
> your platform does not have a supported AWT subsytem, you'll need to port
> the AWT as well ;)
> If you go ahead, port kaffe to a new platform, and decide to write some
> docs that complement those by Edouard, ... well, you know where to send
> them ;)
That's a good start. I (or rather Martin) did that ;)

Greetings, Ron.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen/With regards
ra3 @ os.inf.tu-dresden.de

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