Dalibor Topic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> > assertion "blk->free != 0" failed: file "mem/gc-mem.c", line 324
> Does running with -vmdebug GCDIAG help to provoke it faster?

I had to rebuild with --enable-debug....

$ time java -vmdebug GCDIAG freenet.node.Main            
assertion "gc_heap_isobject(info, unit)" failed: file "mem/gc-incremental.c", line 259
Abort (core dumped) 
    1.91s real     1.73s user     0.12s system

$ time java freenet.node.Main                
Illegal instruction (core dumped) 
   97.39s real    35.61s user     2.57s system

Here's the core dump backtrace for the second one:

#0  0x401cb0bd in getaddrinfo ()
#1  0x401cb5fd in getaddrinfo ()
#2  0x401cb3a9 in getaddrinfo ()
#3  0x401ca9fb in getaddrinfo ()
#4  0x401c9a58 in getaddrinfo ()
#5  0x401c98d3 in getaddrinfo ()
#6  0x407e8543 in java_net_NativeInetAddressImpl_lookupAllHostAddr0 (
    none=0x417ff0, jStr=0x25f4dc8) at InetAddressImpl.c:160
#7  0x46323d in ?? ()
#8  0x43855b in ?? ()
#9  0x466218 in ?? ()
#10 0x465239 in ?? ()
#11 0x1502471 in ?? ()
#12 0xa5d641 in ?? ()
#13 0x22a12ea in ?? ()
#14 0xab22d6 in ?? ()
#15 0x400591a2 in callMethodV (meth=0xa31880, func=0xab2010, obj=0x1a98c20, 
    args=0x1e0df94 "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@¼¼\t@", ret=0x1e0dbec)
    at ../../config/i386/common.h:38
#16 0x400452d5 in Kaffe_CallVoidMethodV (env=0x4009617c, obj=0x1a98c20, 
    meth=0xa31880, args=0x1e0df94 "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@¼¼\t@") at 
#17 0x40045372 in Kaffe_CallVoidMethod (env=0x4009617c, obj=0x1a98c20, 
    meth=0xa31880) at jni.c:1107
#18 0x4005a17c in firstStartThread (arg=0x1a98c20) at thread.c:357
#19 0x40083394 in start_this_sucker_on_a_new_frame () at jthread.c:1266
#20 0x40083514 in jthread_create (pri=596, func=0, daemon=1000, 
    jlThread=0x196f960, threadStackSize=0) at jthread.c:1336

So I ran it again:

$ time java freenet.node.Main                          
assertion "!INTS_DISABLED()" failed: file "exception.c", line 398
Abort (core dumped) 
   66.19s real    32.22s user     2.16s system

#0  0x401f327b in kill ()
#1  0x401f2bd7 in abort ()
#2  0x401adf53 in __assert ()
#3  0x400372fc in dispatchException (eobj=0x1f0d638, baseframe=0x19d1e98)
    at exception.c:398
#4  0x40037594 in floatingException (frame=0x1c8e38) at exception.c:542
#5  0x4008642c in nullException (sig=11, code=1871528, ctx=0x1c8e58)
    at signal.c:87
#6  0x40009004 in ?? ()
#7  0x40059f50 in startSpecialThread (arg=0x1a34b0) at thread.c:274
#8  0x40083394 in start_this_sucker_on_a_new_frame () at jthread.c:1266
#9  0x40083514 in jthread_create (pri=11, 
    func=0x40059f1c <startSpecialThread>, daemon=-809511144, 
    jlThread=0x40059c19, threadStackSize=1074109355) at jthread.c:1336
#10 0x40059bf8 in createThread (tid=0x1a34b0, func=0x40059f1c, 
    stacksize=16384, einfo=0xcfbfd798) at thread.c:121
#11 0x4005a032 in createDaemon (func=0x4003b23c, nm=0x4003c8eb "gc", 
    arg=0x4009acac, prio=11, stacksize=16384, einfo=0xcfbfd798) at thread.c:313
#12 0x4003c981 in gcEnable (collector=0x4009acac) at mem/gc-incremental.c:1093
#13 0x40027610 in initialiseKaffe () at baseClasses.c:214
#14 0x40041abb in JNI_CreateJavaVM (vm=0x9310, env=0x9488, args=0x9318)
    at jni.c:205

Good luck.

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |

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