
Dalibor Topic from the Kaffe OpenVM project and me saw each other last
week when we went to the Libre Software Meeting. Attached are the (very
raw) notes I made on what things could be imported from GNU Classpath
into the kaffe library (and some other random notes). They might also be
interesting to the GNU Classpath hackers to see where/how the code ends
up in another free software project.


Notes LSM meeting, Friday Jul 11, 2003 (Dalibor Topic, Mark Wielaard)

=== Things that could be imported from GNU Classpath into kaffe ===

- Complete GNU Classpath Collection import.
  Importing AbstractMap makes some mauve tests fail.
 -> Goal to run japitools.
 -> And import even more classpath classes that depend on collection stuff.

- java.util.zip
  How to modularize to allow multiple implementations to coexist?
  (See what classes are different between classpath/gcj)
  Dalibor has still some outstanding bug reports against Classpath
  -> Goal automatically use pure java implementation if zlib isn't
     available. (This is currently already done for the BigInteger
     class, kaffe has a native implementation, but falls back to the
     non-native GNU Classpath version if the gmp library is not installed.)

- Serialization ObjectIn/OutputStreams.
  Completely different implementations kaffe/GNU Classpath
  Some Mauve failures with Classpath/gcj code.
  Some other/same failures with current kaffe code.
  See also Eclipse startup stream failures.
  -> Goal Jython installer to run.
  -> Eclipse installer without ObjectStream failures

- StackTraceElement stuff ("pure java Throwable").  Mark has some
  code hacked up. It compiles... but crashes in spectacular ways.
  -> Goal log4j (used by either JBOSS or Tomcat) uses XMLized stacktraces
     from StackTraceElements.

- Verifier and security manager checks
  - Classpath seems to have all the proper Permission checks in place.
    (But has anybody every really used it? Probably not, because
     AccessController isn't really implemented.)
  - Jar verification/certification handling isn't implemented.
    (Neither in Classpath or Kaffe.)
  - Policyfile processor (What to use for it?)
  -> Goal savely run applets with appletviewer.

  - Only java part in Classpath.
  - gcj has some native (CNI) implementations (not complete)
    but JNI is completely stubs at the moment.
  - Talk to Michael Koch. Mark bought a book on NIO stuff and will
    probably look at it soon.
  -> Goal run Freenet!

=== Some random other stuff ===

- Security/Crypto - Choose default provider
  (kaffe, GNU Classpath and/or GNU Crypto).
  - FAQ combining kaffe and GNU Crypto
    (provides javax.crypto and much more algorithms)

- Make gjdoc the default tool to generate API doc.
  - Problem, only really available in CVS, not current packaged version.

- javax.comm stuff
  - Kaffe has incomplete stubs
  - There is the rxtx (sp?) project which has been usable.
    (Check kaffe mailinglist archives)
    They have ported to lots of platforms
  - Wonka also has a implementation... (Status?)

- Swing (text)
  - Claspath has some implemented stuff, but large parts are just stubs.
  - Start simple with javax.swing.text.html parser stuff.
    Some could get going with gnu jaxp giving it correct DTDs
    (Dalibor his crazy idea).
    Look at JTidy/HTMLTidy.
  -> Goal make Appletviewer really parse parse.

- Bugs that poped up when Mark showed various things on his laptop.

  - -Xmx doesn't work (off by one bug), workaround use -mx.
    Dalibor quickly hacked up a patch, but the current command line parsing
    is broken...
  - gmp replacement configuration is broken when both tests fail.
  - tritonus install goes bad...

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