Hi guys,

I've had a great time working on the project on and off for the past year
or so.  As some of you know, I've been sortof in limbo lately, moving
around the east coast of the US without much access to my own computer.  
Tomorrow I'm leaving for Zurich from which I'll be backpacking to Beijing,
China, where I'll be teaching English for a while.  When I get to China
there's a chance that I'll be able to start working on Kaffe again, but if
that doesn't work out I'll probably be off the project until June, 2004,
when I get back to the states.

I regret that the verifier still needs some fixing before it can really go
prime-time.  Mainly it has to be able to deal with the multiple
inheritence involved with interfaces, but the style also needs some
fixing.  As Dalibor suggested, macros probably aren't the best way to go,
and they certainly have given me trouble when debugging the verifier,
which (unfortunately) relies heavily upon them.

Also, I will unfortunately be unable to make the conference in Saarbrucken
in early October due mostly to time constaints.

Finally for a shameless personal plug: if you're interested in hearing
about my trip at all, drop an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (to
unsubscribe it's [EMAIL PROTECTED]).  I have no idea with
what frequency I'll be posting, but because I'll be unable to write
personal emails for a while it's a lame attempt to keep my friends
up-to-date with my happenings.

This project has been moving forward at an amazing pace lately.  I have no
doubts that it's still going to be going strong when get back :)  I've
learned a ton by working on it and especially by reading the posts and
talking to the other developers.  Thanks guys.


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