On Sun, 7 Dec 2003 19:06:21 -0800 (PST)
kalyan ram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hai
>    Tomcat-4.1.29 is working fine on kaffe-1.1.2
> interpreter with 
> JAVA_OPTS = "-ss200k -mx256M -Dbuild.compiler=kjc"
> export JAVA_OPTS
> But the only problem is after starting tomcat,if i
> start the browser and type http://localhost:8080,it
> gives connection timeout and if close the browser and
> restart again and type the above url,it opened.Why is
> it giving server timeout first time?
> But,it is working fine from next time.

My guess is that the first time you hit the page, Tomcat must compile
the JSP to Java code (using kjc).  The interpreter is really slow.  The
second time you hit it, the JSP has already been compiled and linked in
(it's just Java classes), so it's very quick.  There are ways to
precompile JSP pages and preload them, if you want to avoid the first
time penalty.  You can also configure Tomcat to use Jikes as a JSP


 - Jim

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