There is some support for sh3, but I do not know how well it currently
works.   Maybe somebody else on the list has tried it recently?

I wouldn't expect things to work by copying the config directory from
1.1.3 to 1.0.7.  I'm surprised you even got it to build.  

Also, a small request - the email program I'm using can read the gb2312
charset, but many can't, and the mail archive can't, eg:

Could you use an alternate charset when posting to the list?


 - Jim

On Mon, 9 Feb 2004 18:48:52 +0800
周光华 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> sorry.
> CLASSPATH=.:/usr/local/kaffe/jre/lib:/usr/local/kaffe/jre/lib/rt.jar:/usr/local/kaffe/lib:/usr/local/kaffe/lib/kjc.jar
> but I run "java HelloWorld" ok!
> bash-2.05a# java HelloWorld
> Hello World, my dear
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "周光华" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 6:40 PM
> Subject: How to port kaffe to sh3?
> > Dear all,
> >     I am struggling to port kaffe to SolutionEngine7709A (sh3). It's OS is 
> > SH-Linux (2.4.18).
> > I am planning to compile kaffe-1.0.7.tar.gz on SolutionEngine7709A, and I copied 
> > the directory of superh in kaffe-1.1.3.tar.gz to  kaffe-1.0.7/config, and add one 
> > line to kaffe-1.0.7/config/md.h: #include "superh/linux/md.h", and changed 
> > known=no to known=yes in the file of kaffe-1.0.7/configure. Then I run 
> > ./configure 
> > make 
> > make install 
> > 
> > All runs OK, but when I test a, It fails at:
> > bash-2.05a# javac
> > bash-2.05a# ls
> > HelloWorld.class
> > bash-2.05a# java HelloWorld.class
> > java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloWorld/class
> >         at java.lang.Class.forName(
> >         at java.lang.Class.forName(
> >  
> > CLASSPATH is set with:
> > CLASSPATH=.:/usr/local/kaffe/jre/lib:CLASSPATH=/usr/local/kaffe/jre/lib/rt.jar:/usr/local/kaffe/lib:/usr/local/kaffe/lib/kjc.jar
> > 
> > Thanks very much!
> >                                                                              zhou 
> > guanghua 
> > 

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