> I'm using Kaffe 1.1.4.

What CPU/OS are you using?

> If I compile and run the following test program under Kaffe 1.1.4,
> Kaffe exits with status 0 (normal exit).
> It should instead throw a java.lang.StackOverflowError and print out a
> backtrace.
> The program, Bad.java:

>     dispatchException(): java/lang/ArrayStoreException
>     java/lang/System.arraycopy has no handlers.
>     java/lang/String.getChars has no handlers.
>     java/lang/StringBuffer.append has no handlers.
>     java/lang/StackTraceElement.toString has no handlers.
>     java/lang/Throwable.stackTraceStringBuffer has no handlers.
>     java/lang/Throwable.stackTraceString has no handlers.
>     java/lang/Throwable.printStackTrace has no handlers.
>     java/lang/Throwable.printStackTrace has no handlers.

I got something similar to this, but then updated my CVS and it worked 
fine on x86/FreeBSD.


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