Hello all,

  After looking up Helmut Eller's Threaded code interpreter patch
[1], I attempt to migrate his patch to Kaffe 1.1.x version, and it 
is almost finished, which is attached against kaffe cvs in this mail.

  Helmut Eller quoted his patch as following:

    Threaded code provides about 10% speedup over the original 
    bytecode interpreter, threaded code and quick instructions 
    provide about a factor of three (detailed results[2]). More 
    performance improvements in the kaffe interpreter should be 
    possible without too much work (e.g., stack caching); the 
    benefit of threaded code and quick instructions would be 
    even more prominent if these optimizations were applied.

  So that, it would be great to merge into Kaffe development to
gain performance benefit over improved interpreter, and it could
act an important role in JIT/Interpreter integration[3].

  After applying the patch, you should re-configure kaffe with
--with-engine=intrp and rebuild all.

Jim Huang

[1] http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/java/kaffe-threaded/
[2] http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/java/kaffe-threaded/benchmarks.txt
[3] http://www.flux.utah.edu/~tullmann/kaffe/jitintrp/

Attachment: threaded-intrp.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

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