Configure gives following output for ALSA ( I did not notice it before !)

checking for ALSA CFLAGS...  -I/usr/local/arm-linux/lib/include
checking for ALSA LDFLAGS...  -L/usr/local/arm-linux/lib/lib -lasound -lm -ldl -
checking for libasound headers version >= 1.0.1... found.
checking for snd_ctl_open in -lasound... no
Useable version of ALSA not found.

Where ( path/to/alsa) is it trying to find the usable version? 
I have installed libasound2 (1.0.5-1) from debian.org

>From where can i get "usable" version of ALSA.

----- Original Message -----
From: Matthias Pfisterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 09:03:45 +0200
To: asutosh gopinath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [kaffe] Sound on XSCALE (no mixer supporting this type of line...)

> Hi,
> - it may be a bug in your program. Either provide the source code of 
> your test program, or check with AudioPlayer from the Java Sound 
> Resources (URL below).
> - are you shure that the your installation is correct? How did you test 
> it? Make sure there are Mixers at all. Run 'DumpJSInfo --mixers' (see 
> http://www.jsresources.org/examples/DumpJSInfo.html).
> Matthias

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