
On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 23:48, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
> I built javax.servlet with kaffe/jikes/ant1.6, but when running with
> jre1.3, it seems there is a problem... log is attached.

Seems the runtime that is used doesn't support newer versions of class
file byte code (Unsupported major.minor version 48.0).
You are probably using a modern version of jikes that by default
generates this newer byte code. As far as I know all free runtimes in
main have been updated already to support it. But you can probably
downgrade the class byte code version used by giving jikes a -target 1.2
argument (see the jikes documentation).

> Debian:
>   If the problem could not be solved soon, it means we'll have to build
>   servlet with non-free JDK again!
>   It means libservlet2.3-java back to contrib!

Why? It isn't a bug with any of the free main runtimes. And it seems a 
upgrade of the non-free proprietary runtime that this person is using
would solve the issue.

> I'll wait two or three days before uploading a servlet compiled with
> non-free jdk back to contrib, hoping kaffe guys can resolve this (but I
> assume it's not trivial!).
> Comments?

If you really need to, why not create a new
libservlet2.3-java-nonfree-old-runtime package and keep the current
package in main since it seems to work fine with the free runtimes?



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