Fernando Lozano wrote:
Hi Sanghyeon Seo,

If Kaffe build really needs a Java compiler and Java VM, couldn't it use
gcj / gij and so I could build it using only free software?

jikes is a free software. What do you mean?

But Sun, IBM or Blackdown JVMs are not, and I have not fould how to use gij as the JVM for comiling Kaffe. Jikes is not a Java VM, but just a Java compiler.

Anyway it's strange that, to compile a Java VM, I need another Java VM.

Yeah. Thanks for your bug report, I've fixed that now.

And by the way, is kjc becoming unsupported?

Not really. It won't return as a jar file, as jar files are not much fun to shuffle around in source tarballs.

For 1.1.5, I think it would be easiest to simply make javac a wrapper around jikes (or some other supported external compiler).

Kjc will return at the very latest post 1.1.5 as a supported external compiler.

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