
Sorry for the mailing list problem - it wasn't working for the last two days - it looks like the mailmain qrunner process died for some reason. I restarted it. Thanks to Dalibor for noticing and telling me. :-)

As for me - I'm still here. I'm still planning to move everything to the new server soon -- there's a weird ssh problem I need to research/debug before I can really do that. I've been a bit short on time lately, due to real life, Japanese lessons, etc...

As for the new server - does anybody want to volunteer to redo the website and be the webmaster? I can set up a Xen session for that. My only requirement is that the new website should run on Kaffe. :-)

As for the next release - I'm delegating that to Dalibor. (I'm just too short on time lately)


 - Jim

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