On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 01:15:39PM +0000, David Matthews wrote:
> Or at least trying to. 
> My project did run on 1.1.4, using only the AWT toolkit, but its latest 
> incarnations needs Swing-only features. 
> Using 1.1.5, it compiles (with some warnings) using kaffes compiler(jikes?),  
> but crashes with 
> FATAL ERROR: No more room for local references, leaving an empty JFrame (no 
> other widgets) on screen.
> If I use the verbose switch, I see a lots of kaffe-bundled classes being 
> loaded, the last one (in case this gives any indication) being  
> gnu/java/net/protocol/jar/Connection$JarFileCache.class(/usr/local/kaffe/jre/lib/rt.jar)
> Using the -ms switch does not seem to help.
> Previous experience with earlier versions of Kaffe led me to expect 
> substantial code tweaking would be required, but I'm not sure how to start 
> here.
> Any ideas please?

Looks, like a bug in our GTK peer implementation. Please provide a
minimalistic testcase so we can reproduce the bug and fix it. Normally
not code tweaking should be need in java apps to make them run with
kaffe. Its just the our Swing implementation is not very complete but
this is being worked on really hard lately.

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