On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 17:26 -0500, Juan Felipe Botero wrote:
> Hi, my university bought a IMXL card with a ARM architecture, i want to know 
> how do i
> need to do for install the kaffe VM in the embedded device.

Hi Juan Felipe,

On an arm, I'd suggest getting started with the interpreter engine, and
making sure it's working rock solid on your specific arm card, first. So
--with-engine=intrp is the configure option for that. You may want to
try out using libffi on your arm cpu for native calls, that would be the
configure option --with-libffi.

If you intend to cross-compile kaffe, see FAQ/FAQ.cross-compiling in the
sources for details.

> We need graphic mode in the aplications we will develop.

OK. In that case you will need AWT, at least. If you don't need swing,
you can use Kaffe's classic AWT & associated backends for qte, xlib and
nano-x. If you need swing, you should use either the gtk or the qt4
backend, depending on what your board can support.

> We need to know which classes do we need to eliminate?, cause we need a light 
> VM because
> the device doesn't have a lot of memory.

If you have a test application, you can run it in Kaffe on your normal
system with 

kaffe -verbose YourApp

, which will show you which classes are loaded and necessary for the
application to run. That should give you an idea which packages &
classes are necessary parts of the class library, and which are not

Once you know which packages & classes you need to keep, the simplest,
rough way to reduce the size of the class library would be to remove the
unnecessary packages from the rt.jar/glibj.zip file.

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