On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 11:07:06AM +0800, wzhen8010 wrote:
> Hi,all!
> I have encountered a transparent problem when trying to run a awt protgram 
> with kaffe+nano-X. What the matter as below:
> I tried to running a program which wrote for MHP. The program imported HAVi 
> and DVB classes for UI. When I run it with Kaffe+GTK , it worked good. but 
> when i run it with Kaffe+nano-X, I found it cannot show the scene transparent 
> correctly. That is to say, the upper scene always covered the below ones 
> opaquely, when the upper one should be transparent and we should see the 
> below ones.
> Then, I found that the classes in dir of 
> '%KAFFE_CLASSPATH\libraries\clib\awt\nano-X' are much few than which in dir 
> of '%KAFFE_CLASSPATH\\libraries\clib\awt\classpath-gtk',  but I didn't study 
> it deep for there are so many classes. Is the problem relate with these 
> classes? or kaffe has not implement the tranparent function with nano-X? 

hello Chavaz,

  The Nano-X AWT backend doesn't handle opaquely scense well, and the
semantics of transparency in AWT is broken to Nano-X backend. If you are
willing to look deeper into the implementation, I might be able to able
to help.

Jim Huang (jserv)

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