PatchSet 7632 
Date: 2007/12/31 16:22:35
Author: robilad
Branch: HEAD
Tag: (none) 
removed old class file dumper

2007-12-31  Dalibor Topic  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * developers/, developers/, 
developers/ Removed.
        * developers/README: Removed, and
        * (EXTRA_DIST): Removed  developers/, and


Index: kaffe/ChangeLog
diff -u kaffe/ChangeLog:1.5130 kaffe/ChangeLog:1.5131
--- kaffe/ChangeLog:1.5130      Mon Dec 31 16:05:31 2007
+++ kaffe/ChangeLog     Mon Dec 31 16:22:35 2007
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
 2007-12-31  Dalibor Topic  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * developers/, developers/, 
developers/ Removed.
+       * developers/README: Removed, and
+       * (EXTRA_DIST): Removed  developers/, and 
+       developers/
+2007-12-31  Dalibor Topic  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * developers/ Removed.
        * developers/README: Removed
        * (EXTRA_DIST): Removed
Index: kaffe/
diff -u kaffe/ kaffe/
--- kaffe/     Mon Dec 31 16:05:31 2007
+++ kaffe/   Mon Dec 31 16:22:35 2007
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
        developers/ \
        developers/config1.patch \
        developers/config2.patch \
-       developers/ \
        developers/gdbinit \
        developers/geteh_from_libgcc2 \
        developers/glibc-2.1.1-signal.patch \
@@ -140,10 +139,8 @@
        developers/rpm-kaffe.spec \
        developers/sp_offset.c \
        developers/test-kaffe-sh \
-       developers/ \
        developers/ \
        developers/GCJ.note.1 \
-       developers/ \
        developers/README \
        developers/README.EUC_JP \
        scripts/ \
Checking out kaffe/developers/
RCS:  /home/cvs/kaffe/kaffe/developers/Attic/,v
VERS: 1.3
--- kaffe/developers/       Mon Dec 31 16:24:39 2007
+++ /dev/null   Sun Aug  4 19:57:58 2002
@@ -1,1022 +0,0 @@
-# Functions for reading in and writing out a Java .class file.
-# Also does a bit of consistency checking of the file.
-# The only really nasty thing I've done (because of poor perl skils more
-# than anything else) is to make the %class a local() in a number of
-# places so that the check routines can see it.
-# Class structure:  Generally references to hashes. Tables are implemented as 
-# TODO:
-#      make a &checkClass() function.
-#      change a lot of 'local's to 'my's. (not local(%class), though)
-#      Make CLASSIN and CLASSOUT parameters to read/write functions.
-#      POD documentation
-#      Cannot handle modifying float values.  I can read and decode, but don't
-#      have the math to convert back to a binary format (both floats and 
-# Copyright (c) 1999 University of Utah CSL.
-# This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License.
-package JavaClass;
-### Define constants for Java Classes
-*classMagic = \0xcafebabe;     # The magic header every .class file starts with
-## The magic identifiers for entries in the .class Constant Table.
-*CONSTANT_Class = \7;
-*CONSTANT_FieldRef = \9;
-*CONSTANT_MethodRef = \10;
-*CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef = \11;
-*CONSTANT_String = \8;
-*CONSTANT_Integer = \3;
-*CONSTANT_Float = \4;
-*CONSTANT_Long = \5;
-*CONSTANT_Double = \6;
-*CONSTANT_NameAndType = \12;
-*CONSTANT_Utf8 = \1;
-## String names associated with each type of Constant Table entry.
-%CONSTANTNames = (
-    $CONSTANT_Class => "Class",
-    $CONSTANT_FieldRef => "Field",
-    $CONSTANT_MethodRef => "Method",
-    $CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef => "Inteface Method",
-    $CONSTANT_String => "String",
-    $CONSTANT_Float => "Float",
-    $CONSTANT_Integer => "Integer",
-    $CONSTANT_Double => "Double",
-    $CONSTANT_Long => "Long",
-    $CONSTANT_NameAndType => "Name&Type",
-    $CONSTANT_Utf8 => "Utf8"
-    );
-## String names for the shorthand used in signatures
-$sig{'V'} = 'void';
-$sig{'I'} = 'int';
-$sig{'J'} = 'long';
-$sig{'Z'} = 'boolean';
-$sig{'F'} = 'float';
-$sig{'D'} = 'double';
-$sig{'B'} = 'byte';
-$sig{'S'} = 'short';
-$sig{'C'} = 'char';
-## Access control flags for classes, methods and fields.
-*ACC_PUBLIC    = \0x0001;
-*ACC_PRIVATE   = \0x0002;
-*ACC_PROTECTED = \0x0004;
-*ACC_STATIC    = \0x0008;
-*ACC_FINAL     = \0x0010;
-*ACC_SUPER     = \0x0020;              # class only
-*ACC_SYNCHRONIZED = \0x0020;           # field/method
-*ACC_VOLATILE  = \0x0040;
-*ACC_TRANSIENT = \0x0080;
-*ACC_INTERFACE = \0x0200;
-*ACC_ABSTRACT  = \0x0400;
-*ACC_NATIVE    = \0x0100;
-*ACC_STRICT    = \0x0800;
-*ACC_UNKNOWN   = \0xF000;
-###  Global variables
-# Control the verbosity of &printClass()
-$detailedFields = 0;
-$detailedMethods = 0;
-### Conversion functions
-## parseJavaSig() takes a single argument, a single Java-internal
-## method signature and returns a list ($package, $return, $class,
-## $method, @args) where the items have been converted to a more
-## source-like format (e.g., english).
-sub parseJavaSig() {
-  ## Parameters
-  my $jsig = shift;
-  ## Local variables
-  my $class = '';
-  my $package = '';
-  my $method = '';
-  my @args = ();
-  my $ret = '';
-  ## Temporaries
-  my $depth = 0;
-  my $repct = 0;
-  my $arg = '';
-  ### First is the class (all chars until a ".")
-  $jsig =~ s/^([^.]*).//;
-  $class = $1;
-  $class =~ s,/,.,g; # / -> .
-  # Peel the package name out of the class name (everything before last ".")
-  if ($class =~ m/(.*)\.[^\.]*$/) {
-    $package = $1;
-  }
-  ### Second comes the method name (all chars until a left paren)
-  $jsig =~ s/^([^\(]*)\(//;
-  $method = $1;
-  ### Now the arguments
-  while(1) {
-    $repct = $jsig =~ s/^(I|J|Z|F|D|B|S|C|L|\[|\))//;  ## No V types
-    die "badly formed signature at $jsig" if ($repct == 0);
-    $arg = $1;
-    ## Stop if we hit the end paren
-    last SIGPARSE if $arg eq "\)";
-    if ($arg eq '[') {
-      $depth++;
-      # continue parsing array type...
-      next SIGPARSE;
-    } elsif ($arg eq 'L') {
-      $jsig =~ s/^([^;]*);//;
-      $arg = $1;
-      $arg =~ s,/,.,g;
-    } else {
-      ## convert single-char identifier to english
-      $arg = $sig{$arg};
-    }
-    ## If we hit an array, tack the array depth on the end
-    if ($depth > 0) {
-      $arg = $arg . "[]" x $depth;
-      $depth = 0;
-    }
-    # Put the arg at the end of the list of args
-    push (@args, $arg)
-  }
-  ### Last is the return type
-  $depth = 0;
-  $repct = $jsig =~ s/^(I|J|Z|F|D|B|S|C|L|V|\[)//; ## Adds V over argument 
-  die "badly formed return type: \'$jsig\'" if ($repct == 0);
-  $ret = $1;
-  # If its an array, eat the [ and re-set $ret
-  if ($ret eq '[') {
-    $depth = 1;
-    while ($jsig =~ s/\[//) {
-      $depth++;
-    }
-    $jsig =~ s/^(I|J|Z|F|D|B|S|C|L)//; ## No [ or V
-    die "badly formed return type: \'$jsig\'" if ($repct == 0);
-    $ret = $1;
-  }
-  if ($ret eq 'L') {
-    $jsig =~ s/^([^;]*);//;
-    $ret = $1;
-    $ret =~ s,/,.,g;
-  } else {
-    ## Convert single char identifier to english
-    $ret = $sig{"$ret"};
-  }
-  # Tack the array brackets on
-  if ($depth > 0) {
-    $ret = $ret . "[]" x $depth;
-  }
-  ### Return the info in an easy-to-use list
-  return ($package, $ret, $class, $method, @args);
-### Print functions
-sub printClass {
-    my $r_cl = shift;
-    my %class = %{$r_cl};
-    my $flStr = &ACCFlagsToString($class{accessFlags}, 1);
-    print "$flStr\n";
-    &printConstantPool($r_cl);
-    ## Print 'this_class'
-    my $thisClName = %{$class{constantPool}[$class{thisClass}]}->{nameIndex};
-    $thisClName = %{$class{constantPool}[$thisClName]}->{val};
-    print "this_class @ $class{thisClass} ($thisClName)\n";
-    ## Print 'super_class'
-    if ($class{superClass} != 0) {
-      my $superClName = 
-      $superClName = %{$class{constantPool}[$superClName]}->{val};
-      print "super_class @ $class{superClass} ($superClName)\n";
-    } else {
-      print "No super class\n";
-    }
-    ## Print direct super interfaces
-    &printInterfaces($r_cl);
-    ## Print fields
-    &printFields($r_cl);
-    ## Print methods
-    &printMethods($r_cl);
-    ## Print attributes
-    &printAttributes("", $r_cl, $class{attributes});
-sub printMethods {
-    my $r_cl = shift;
-    local(%class) = %{$r_cl};
-    if ($class{methodCt} == 0) {
-       print "No methods.\n";
-    } else {
-       $i = 0;
-       print "Methods:\n";
-       while ($i < $class{methodCt}) {
-           my %method = %{$class{methods}[$i]};
-           my $accflags = ACCFlagsToString($method{accessFlags}, 0);
-           my $name = $class{constantPool}[$method{nameIndex}]->{val};
-           my $desc = $class{constantPool}[$method{descriptorIndex}]->{val};
-           if ($detailedMethods) {
-               print ("\t$i: ");
-               print (".accessFlags=$accflags; ");
-               print (".name @ $method{nameIndex} ($name); ");
-               print (".descriptor @ $method{descriptorIndex} ($desc); ");
-               print (".attrCt = $method{attributesCt};\n");
-               &printAttributes("\t\t", \%class, $method{attributes});
-           } else {
-               print ("\t$accflags $name $desc\n");
-           }
-       } continue {
-           $i++;
-       }
-    }
-sub printFields {
-    my $r_cl = shift;
-    local(%class) = %{$r_cl};
-    if ($class{fieldCt} == 0) {
-       print "No fields.\n";
-    } else {
-       $i = 0;
-       print "Fields:\n";
-       while ($i < $class{fieldCt}) {
-           my %field = %{$class{fields}[$i]};
-           my $accflags = ACCFlagsToString($field{accessFlags}, 0);
-           my $name = $class{constantPool}[$field{nameIndex}]->{val};
-           my $desc = $class{constantPool}[$field{descriptorIndex}]->{val};
-           if ($detailedFields) {
-               print ("\t$i: ");
-               print (".accessFlags=$accflags; ");
-               print (".name @ $field{nameIndex} ($name); ");
-               print (".descriptor @ $field{descriptorIndex} ($desc); ");
-               print (".attrCt = $field{attributesCt};\n");
-               &printAttributes("\t\t", \%class, $field{attributes});
-           } else {
-               print ("\t$accflags $desc $name\n");
-           }
-       } continue {
-           $i++;
-       }
-    }
-sub printInterfaces {
-    my $r_cl = shift;
-    local(%class) = %{$r_cl};
-    if ($class{interfaceCt} == 0) {
-       print "No interfaces.\n";
-    } else {
-       my $i = 0;
-       print "Interfaces:\n";
-       while ($i < $class{interfaceCt}) {
-           my $iClass = $class{interfaces}[$i];
-           my %iClassConst = %{$class{constantPool}[$iClass]};
-           my $iClassName = $iClassConst{nameIndex};
-           my $interfaceName = %{$class{constantPool}[$iClassName]}->{val};
-           print "\t$i] @ $iClass ($interfaceName)\n";
-       } continue {
-           $i++;
-       }
-    }
-sub ACCFlagsToString {
-    my $flags = shift;
-    my $isClass = shift;
-    my @flags = ();
-    push(@flags, "public") if $flags & $ACC_PUBLIC;
-    push(@flags, "private") if $flags & $ACC_PRIVATE;
-    push(@flags, "protected") if $flags & $ACC_PROTECTED;
-    push(@flags, "abstract") if $flags & $ACC_ABSTRACT;
-    push(@flags, "static") if $flags & $ACC_STATIC;
-    push(@flags, "final") if $flags & $ACC_FINAL;
-    if ($isClass) {
-       push(@flags, "super") if $flags & $ACC_SUPER;
-    }
-    else {
-       push(@flags, "synchronized") if $flags & $ACC_SYNCHRONIZED;
-    }
-    push(@flags, "native") if $flags & $ACC_NATIVE;
-    push(@flags, "volatile") if $flags & $ACC_VOLATILE;
-    push(@flags, "transient") if $flags & $ACC_TRANSIENT;
-    push(@flags, "strictfp") if $flags & $ACC_STRICT;
-    push(@flags, "interface") if $flags & $ACC_INTERFACE;
-    push(@flags, "UNKNOWN") if $flags & $ACC_UNKNOWN;
-    return join(',', @flags);
-sub printConstantPool {
-    my $r_cl = shift;
-    local(%class) = %{$r_cl};          # cvt the class reference to the class 
-    print("Constant Pool Entries: $class{constantPoolCt}\n");
-    $i = 1;
-    while ($i < $class{constantPoolCt}) {
-       my %cpEntry = %{$class{constantPool}[$i]};
-       print "$i] $CONSTANTNames{$cpEntry{tag}}: ";
-       if ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Class) {
-           my $ni = $cpEntry{nameIndex};
-           &checkIndex($ni, "Name", $CONSTANT_Utf8);
-           my $nm = $class{constantPool}[$ni]->{val};
-           print (".name @ $ni ($nm);");
-       } elsif (($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_FieldRef)
-                || ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_MethodRef)
-                || ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef)) {
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{classIndex}, "Class", $CONSTANT_Class);
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{nameTypeIndex}, "Name & Type", 
-           print (".class @ $cpEntry{classIndex}; .name&type @ 
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_String) {
-           my $si = $cpEntry{stringIndex};
-           &checkIndex($si, "String", $CONSTANT_Utf8);
-           my $str = $class{constantPool}[$si]->{val};
-           print (".string @ $cpEntry{stringIndex} ($str);");
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_NameAndType) {
-           my $ni = $cpEntry{nameIndex};
-           my $di = $cpEntry{descriptorIndex};
-           &checkIndex($ni, "Name", $CONSTANT_Utf8);
-           &checkIndex($di, "Descriptor", $CONSTANT_Utf8);
-           my $nstr = $class{constantPool}[$ni]->{val};
-           my $dstr = $class{constantPool}[$di]->{val};
-           print (".name @ $ni ($nstr); .descriptor @ $di ($dstr); ");
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Integer) {
-           print (".value = $cpEntry{val}");
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Utf8) {
-           print (".length=$cpEntry{len}; ");
-           print (".val=$cpEntry{val}; ");
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Float) {
-           print (".val=$cpEntry{strVal}; ");
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Double) {
-           print (".val=$cpEntry{strVal}; ");
-           $i++; ## Ick.  8-byte entries take two constant pool entries
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Long) {
-           print (".val=$cpEntry{strVal}; ");
-           $i++; ## Ick.  8-byte entries take two constant pool entries
-       } else {
-           &fatal("Unknown Constant type $cpEntry{tag}!\n");
-       }
-       print ("\n");
-       $i++;
-    }
-sub printAttributes {
-    my ($prefix, $r_class, $r_attrs) = @_;
-    return if (!defined($r_attrs));
-    my $i = 0;
-    my %class = %{$r_class};
-    print ("${prefix}Attributes:\n");
-    foreach $r_attr (@{$r_attrs}) {
-       my $name = $class{constantPool}[$r_attr->{nameIndex}]->{val};
-       print ("${prefix}\$name; ");
-       print (".length=" . $r_attr->{len} . ";");
-       if ($name eq 'SourceFile') {
-         if ($r_attr->{len} != 2) {
-           print ("!Badly formed SourceFile Attribute, must be 2!");
-         } else {
-           my ($high, $low) = unpack("CC", $r_attr->{attr});
-           my $idx = ($high * 256) + $low;
-           my $name = $class{constantPool}[$idx]->{val};
-           print (" @ " . $idx . " (\"" . $name . "\")");
-         }
-       }
-       elsif ($name eq 'InnerClasses') {
-           my ($high, $low) = unpack("CC", $r_attr->{attr});
-           my $nr = ($high * 256) + $low;
-           print (" @ $nr entries");
-           my $array = substr ($r_attr->{attr}, 2);
-           for (my $i = 0; $i < $nr; $i++, $array = substr ($array, 8)) {
-               my ($inner, $outer, $name, $acces) = unpack ("nnnn", $array);
-               print("\n");
-               # print("${prefix}\t\t$i] $inner, $outer, $name, $acces");
-               print("${prefix}\t\t$i]");
-               print(" .inner = " . $inner);
-               print(" (" . 
$class{constantPool}[$class{constantPool}[$inner]->{nameIndex}]->{val} . ")") 
if $inner;
-               print(" .outer = $outer");
-               print(" (" . 
$class{constantPool}[$class{constantPool}[$outer]->{nameIndex}]->{val} . ")") 
if $outer;
-               print(" .name = $name");
-               print(" ($class{constantPool}[$name]->{val})") if ($name);
-               print(" .acces = $acces (" . &ACCFlagsToString($acces, 1) .")");
-           }
-       }
-       print ("\n");
-    }
-### Read Class function
-sub readClass {
-    my $classFile = shift;
-    local(%class) = (());
-    open(CLASSIN, $classFile)
-       || open(CLASSIN, "${classFile}.class")
-           || die ("Cannot open $classFile for reading");
-    ###
-    ### Header Magic
-    ###
-    $class{magic} = read_u4();
-    if ($class{magic} != $classMagic) {
-       fatal("Bad class magic '$class{magic}' --expected '$classMagic'.  
$classFile is probably not a Java class file.");
-    }
-    ## Read in the major and minor version numbers
-    $class{minorVersion} = &read_u2();
-    $class{majorVersion} = &read_u2();
-    print("Version: $class{majorVersion}.$class{minorVersion}  (expected 
-       if ($class{minorVersion} ne 3) || ($class{majorVersion} ne 45);
-    ###
-    ### Constant Pool
-    ###
-    $class{constantPoolCt} = &read_u2();
-    $class{constantPool} = [];
-    $i = 1; # constant pool actually starts with entry 1...
-    while ($i < $class{constantPoolCt}) {
-       my %cpEntry;
-       $cpEntry{tag} = &read_u1();
-       if ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Class) {
-           $cpEntry{nameIndex} = &read_u2();
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{nameIndex}, "Name");
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_FieldRef) {
-           $cpEntry{classIndex} = &read_u2();
-           $cpEntry{nameTypeIndex} = &read_u2();
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{classIndex}, "Class");
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{nameTypeIndex}, "Name & Type");
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_MethodRef) {
-           $cpEntry{classIndex} = &read_u2();
-           $cpEntry{nameTypeIndex} = &read_u2();
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{classIndex}, "Class");
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{nameTypeIndex}, "Name & Type");
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef) {
-           $cpEntry{classIndex} = &read_u2();
-           $cpEntry{nameTypeIndex} = &read_u2();
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{classIndex}, "Class");
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{nameTypeIndex}, "Name & Type");
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_String) {
-           $cpEntry{stringIndex} = &read_u2();
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{stringIndex}, "String");
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_NameAndType) {
-           $cpEntry{nameIndex} = &read_u2();
-           $cpEntry{descriptorIndex} = &read_u2();
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{nameIndex}, "Name");
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{descriptorIndex}, "Descriptor");
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Integer) {
-           $cpEntry{val} = &read_u4();
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Utf8) {
-           $cpEntry{len} = &read_u2();
-           $cpEntry{val} = &read_utf8($cpEntry{len});
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Float) {
-           $cpEntry{val} = &read_u4();
-           $cpEntry{strVal} = &read_float($cpEntry{val});
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Double) {
-           $cpEntry{val} = &read_u8();
-           $cpEntry{strVal} = &read_double($cpEntry{val});
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Long) {
-           $cpEntry{val} = &read_u8();
-           $cpEntry{strVal} = "<Unknown>";
-       } else {
-           &fatal("Unknown Constant type $cpEntry{tag}!\n");
-       }
-       $class{constantPool}[$i] = \%cpEntry;
-       ## Ick.  8-byte entries take two constant pool entries
-       $i++ if (($cpEntry{tag} == $CONSTANT_Long)
-                || ($cpEntry{tag} == $CONSTANT_Double));
-    } continue {
-       $i++;
-    }
-    ###
-    ### Misc. Class Info
-    ###
-    $class{accessFlags} = &read_u2();
-    $class{thisClass} = &read_u2();
-    &checkIndex($class{thisClass}, "this_class", $CONSTANT_Class);
-    $class{superClass} = &read_u2();
-    if ($class{superClass} != 0) {
-      &checkIndex($class{superClass}, "super_class", $CONSTANT_Class);
-    }
-    # so what if it's java.lang.Object
-    # else {
-    #  print ("Warning: class has no super class.  Must be 
-    #}
-    ###
-    ### Direct super-interfaces
-    ###
-    $class{interfaceCt} = &read_u2();
-    $class{interfaces} = [];
-    $i = 0;
-    while ($i < $class{interfaceCt}) {
-       $class{interfaces}[$i] = &read_u2();
-       &checkIndex($class{interfaces}[$i], "Interface \#$i", $CONSTANT_Class);
-    } continue {
-       $i++;
-    }
-    ###
-    ### Fields
-    ###
-    $class{fieldCt} = &read_u2();
-    $class{fields} = [];
-    $i = 0;
-    while ($i < $class{fieldCt}) {
-       my %field;
-       $field{accessFlags} = &read_u2();
-       $field{nameIndex} = &read_u2();
-       $field{descriptorIndex} = &read_u2();
-       $field{attributesCt} = &read_u2();
-       $field{attributes} = &readAttributes($field{attributesCt});
-       &checkIndex($field{nameIndex}, "Field Name", $CONSTANT_Utf8);
-       &checkIndex($field{descriptorIndex}, "Field Descriptor", 
-       $class{fields}[$i] = \%field;
-    } continue {
-       $i++;
-    }
-    ###
-    ### Methods
-    ###
-    $class{methodCt} = &read_u2();
-    $class{methods} = [];
-    $i = 0;
-    while ($i < $class{methodCt}) {
-       my %method;
-       $method{accessFlags} = &read_u2();
-       $method{nameIndex} = &read_u2();
-       $method{descriptorIndex} = &read_u2();
-       $method{attributesCt} = &read_u2();
-       $method{attributes} = &readAttributes($method{attributesCt});
-       &checkIndex($method{nameIndex}, "Method Name", $CONSTANT_Utf8);
-       &checkIndex($method{descriptorIndex}, "Method Descriptor", 
-       $class{methods}[$i] = \%method;
-    } continue {
-       $i++;
-    }
-    ###
-    ### Class attributes
-    ###
-    $class{attributesCt} = &read_u2();
-    $class{attributes} = &readAttributes($class{attributesCt});
-    ###
-    ### End of .class file
-    ###
-    return \%class;
-### Write Class function
-sub writeClass {
-    my $r_class = shift;
-    my $classFile = shift;
-    local(%class) = %{$r_class};
-    if ($classFile =~ /\.class$/) {
-       open(CLASSOUT, ">$classFile")
-           || die ("Cannot open $classFile for writing");
-    } else {
-       open(CLASSOUT, ">$classFile.class")
-           || die ("Cannot open $classFile.class for writing");
-    }
-    ###
-    ### Header Magic
-    ###
-    if ($class{magic} != $classMagic) {
-       fatal("Bad class magic '$class{magic}' --expected '$classMagic'.  Not 
writing class file.");
-    }
-    &write_u4($class{magic});
-    ## Write major/minor version numbers
-    &write_u2($class{minorVersion});
-    &write_u2($class{majorVersion});
-    ###
-    ### Constant Pool
-    ###
-    &write_u2($class{constantPoolCt});
-    $i = 1; # constant pool actually starts with entry 1...
-    while ($i < $class{constantPoolCt}) {
-       my %cpEntry = %{$class{constantPool}[$i]};
-       &write_u1($cpEntry{tag});
-       if ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Class) {
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{nameIndex}, "Name", $CONSTANT_Utf8);
-           &write_u2($cpEntry{nameIndex});
-       } elsif (($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_FieldRef)
-                || ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_MethodRef)
-                || ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef)) {
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{classIndex}, "Class", $CONSTANT_Class);
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{nameTypeIndex}, "Name & Type", 
-           &write_u2($cpEntry{classIndex});
-           &write_u2($cpEntry{nameTypeIndex});
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_String) {
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{stringIndex}, "String", $CONSTANT_Utf8);
-           &write_u2($cpEntry{stringIndex});
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_NameAndType) {
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{nameIndex}, "Name", $CONSTANT_Utf8);
-           &checkIndex($cpEntry{descriptorIndex}, "Descriptor", 
-           &write_u2($cpEntry{nameIndex});
-           &write_u2($cpEntry{descriptorIndex});
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Integer) {
-           &write_u4($cpEntry{val});
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Utf8) {
-           &write_u2($cpEntry{len});
-           &write_utf8($cpEntry{val});
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Float) {
-           &write_u4($cpEntry{val});
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Double) {
-           &write_u8($cpEntry{val});
-           $i++; ## Ick.  8-byte entries take two constant pool entries
-       } elsif ($cpEntry{tag} eq $CONSTANT_Long) {
-           &write_u8($cpEntry{val});
-           $i++; ## Ick.  8-byte entries take two constant pool entries
-       } else {
-           &fatal("Unknown Constant type $cpEntry{tag}!\n");
-       }
-    } continue {
-       $i++;
-    }
-    ###
-    ### Misc. Class Info
-    ###
-    &write_u2($class{accessFlags});
-    &write_u2($class{thisClass});
-    &write_u2($class{superClass});
-    ###
-    ### Direct super-interfaces
-    ###
-    &write_u2($class{interfaceCt});
-    $i = 0;
-    while ($i < $class{interfaceCt}) {
-       &write_u2($class{interfaces}[$i]);
-    } continue {
-       $i++;
-    }
-    ###
-    ### Fields
-    ###
-    &write_u2($class{fieldCt});
-    $i = 0;
-    while ($i < $class{fieldCt}) {
-       my %field = %{$class{fields}[$i]};
-       &write_u2($field{accessFlags});
-       &write_u2($field{nameIndex});
-       &write_u2($field{descriptorIndex});
-       &write_u2($field{attributesCt});
-       &writeAttributes($field{attributes});
-    } continue {
-       $i++;
-    }
-    ###
-    ### Methods
-    ###
-    &write_u2($class{methodCt});
-    $i = 0;
-    while ($i < $class{methodCt}) {
-       my %method = %{$class{methods}[$i]};
-       &write_u2($method{accessFlags});
-       &write_u2($method{nameIndex});
-       &write_u2($method{descriptorIndex});
-       &write_u2($method{attributesCt});
-       &writeAttributes($method{attributes});
-    } continue {
-       $i++;
-    }
-    ###
-    ### Class attributes
-    ###
-    &write_u2($class{attributesCt});
-    &writeAttributes($class{attributes});
-    ###
-    ### End of .class file
-    ###
-    return \%class;
-### Integrity check functions
-sub checkIndex {
-    my ($val, $name, $type) = @_;
-    # $class is a global
-    if ($val == 0) {
-      &fatal("ERROR: Found constant pool index 0 for $name.  (Expecting a 
CONSTANT_$CONSTANTNames{$type} entry.)");
-    }
-    if ($val >= $class{constantPoolCt}) {
-       &fatal("ERROR: $name index for current constant is $val, must be less 
than $class{constantPoolCt}\n");
-    }
-    if (defined($type)) {
-       my $actualTag = $class{constantPool}[$val]{tag};
-       if ($actualTag != $type) {
-           &fatal("ERROR: $name expects a CONSTANT_$CONSTANTNames{$type} entry 
at $val, but found a CONSTANT_$CONSTANTNames{$actualTag} entry\n");
-       }
-    }
-### Read primitives
-sub read_u8 {
-    my $long = 0;
-    (read(CLASSIN, $long, 8) == 8) || die ("premature eof in read_u8()\n");
-    my ($b1, $b2, $b3, $b4, $b5, $b6, $b7, $b8) = unpack("CCCCCCCC", $long);
-    return (($b1 << 56) + ($b2 << 48) + ($b3 << 40) + ($b4 << 32)
-           + ($b5 << 24) + ($b6 << 16) + ($b7 << 8) + $b8);
-sub read_u4 {
-    my $long = 0;
-    (read(CLASSIN, $long, 4) == 4) || die ("premature eof in read_u4()\n");
-    my ($top, $highmid, $lowmid, $low) = unpack("CCCC", $long);
-    return ($top * (256*256*256)) + ($highmid * (256*256)) + ($lowmid * 256) + 
-sub read_u2 {
-    my $short = 0;
-    (read(CLASSIN, $short, 2) == 2) || die ("premature eof in read_u2()\n");
-    my ($high, $low) = unpack("CC", $short);
-    #print("read_u2: $high, $low\n");
-    return ($high * 256) + $low;
-sub read_u1 {
-    my $byte = 0;
-    (read(CLASSIN, $byte, 1) == 1) || die ("premature eof in read_u1()\n");
-    my $val = unpack("C", $byte);
-    return $val;
-sub read_n {
-    my $byteCt = shift;
-    my $foo = '';
-    (read(CLASSIN, $foo, $byteCt) == $byteCt) || die ("premature eof in 
-    return $foo;
-sub read_float {
-    my $intVal = shift;
-    return "+INF" if ($intVal == 0x7f800000);
-    return "-INF" if ($intVal == 0xff800000);
-    if ((($intVal >= 0x7f800001) && ($intVal <= 0x7fffffff))
-       || (($intVal >= 0xff800001) && ($intVal <= 0xffffffff))) {
-       return "NaN";
-    }
-    ## Otherwise, convert to a floating point number
-    $sign     = (($intVal >> 31) == 0) ?  1 : -1;
-    $exponent = (($intVal >> 23) & 0xFF);
-    $mantissa = ($exponent == 0) ? ($intVal & 0x7fffff) << 1 : ($intVal & 
0x7fffff) | 0x800000;
-    return $sign * $mantissa * 2 ** ($exponent - 150);
-sub read_double {
-    my $intVal = shift;
-    return "+INF" if ($intVal == 0x7f800000);
-    return "-INF" if ($intVal == 0xff800000);
-    if ((($intVal >= 0x7f800001) && ($intVal <= 0x7fffffff))
-       || (($intVal >= 0xff800001) && ($intVal <= 0xffffffff))) {
-       return "NaN";
-    }
-    ## Otherwise, convert to a floating point number
-    $sign     = (($intVal >> 31) == 0) ?  1 : -1;
-    $exponent = (($intVal >> 23) & 0xFF);
-    $mantissa = ($exponent == 0) ? ($intVal & 0x7fffff) << 1 : ($intVal & 
0x7fffff) | 0x800000;
-    return $sign * $mantissa * 2 ** ($exponent - 150);
-sub read_utf8 {
-    my $byteCt = shift;
-    my $utf = '';
-    (read(CLASSIN, $utf, $byteCt) == $byteCt) || die ("premature eof in 

*** Patch too long, truncated ***

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