
> > > Shame on you, Tim. I won't be using your product.
> >
> > You don't have to refrain from using the Standard part; you just have
> > to fight against the non-Standard one.
> There is another option, one in which other Open Source projects have
> used.If Tim is going to go down that road, then maybe it's time to fork the
> project.

Open Source Java is already splitted. Remember Japhar project.

A better solution would be to ask Tim not to add M$ extensions to the
GPL'ed Kaffe. Adding them to the "Custom Edition" would be Ok.

Transvirtual Technologies have made very much for Kaffe. The fork would be
a justified and decent solution only Transvirtual Technologies insists
on adding M$ extentions to the GPL'ed Kaffe. IMHO.

>From GNU Coding Standards:

A GNU program should not recommend use of any non-free program.  We
can't stop some people from writing proprietary programs, or stop other
people from using them.  But we can and should avoid helping to
advertise them to new customers.

Read the last sentence carefully.

Pavel Roskin

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