
Thanks for you report - I think the bug system is now back up (we had to
move it to a new webhosting company because demands on our server become
so huge).

I will try to add the KOI8-R character encoding to kaffe - I just need
to find the relevant ISO tables for the converters (if you can point me
at the mappings that would help).

I'll also relay the conflict to Peter regarding the graphics name clash.


> Dear sirs
> Thank you very much for the new kaffe release. RMI is important for our
> development, so I'm excited about new beta5. Unfortunately here in
> Russia tha main character encoding is koi8-r. It is not supported still
> in Kaffe:( Could you please comment whether it will be. I've also
> reported the bug in RMISecurityManager: it has default access instead of
> public. I've also found that method Component.paintBorder clashes with
> public method JComponent.paintBorder (latest JFC release) so jikes gives
> warning about it (in pedantic mode).
> I would be happy to use the web-based report system but unfortunately I
> could not connect to - probably it was down at the moment.
> Best regards,
> Sergey V. Udaltsov

  Tim Wilkinson                         Tel:     +1 510 704 1660
  Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.,      Fax:     +1 510 704 1893
  Berkeley, CA, USA.                    Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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