Attached in a patch for
that fixes the Jar implementation so that it only reads the
data from a file being added once, the current implementation
reads the data twice.

Here is the ChangeLog entry.

Sun Feb 13 Moses DeJong  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * libraries/extensions/tools/javalib/kaffe/tools/jar/
        Changed CRC calculation on uncompressed Zip entries so that
        the entry stream does not need to be read twice.
Index: libraries/extensions/tools/javalib/kaffe/tools/jar/
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3
--- libraries/extensions/tools/javalib/kaffe/tools/jar/ 1999/10/15 22:53:13    
+++ libraries/extensions/tools/javalib/kaffe/tools/jar/ 2000/02/13 23:56:15
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@
        // YIKES!! Watch out for the really ugly special case where
        // we attempt to add the archive that we are writing to the
        // archive we are writing to the archive we are writing.
-       // You get the idea. There is not way to avoid this case
+       // You get the idea. There is no way to avoid this case
        // when writing to stdout.
        if (archive != null) {
@@ -1027,52 +1027,61 @@
        ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(entryname);
        long entryfile_length = entryfile.length();
-       // Set some file attributes
+       // Set some entry attributes
        if (compression) {
            ze.setMethod(ZipEntry.DEFLATED); // compressed entry
        } else {
            ze.setMethod(ZipEntry.STORED);   // uncompressed entry
-           // Calculate the CRC for this file if uncompressed
-           CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
-           InputStream in = new XPFileInputStream(entryfile);
-           try {
-               CheckedInputStream c = new CheckedInputStream(in, crc);
-               readwriteStreams(c, new OutputStream() {
-                   public void write(int b) {
-                   }
-                   public void write(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
-                   }
-               });
-           } finally {
-               in.close();
-           }
-           ze.setCrc(crc.getValue());
+           ze.setCrc( 0 );                  // set after stream is read/written to 
-       // Compress file and write it into the archive
-       if (debug) {
-           System.out.println("opening input file \"" + entryfile + "\"");
-       }
        if (verbose) {
            // adding: file1 (in=16) (out=18) (deflated -12%)
            vout.print("adding: " + entryname + " ");
            vout.print("(in=" + entryfile_length + ") ");
+       // Write file into the archive, compressing if so requested
+       if (debug) {
+           System.out.println("opening input file \"" + entryfile + "\"");
+       }
        InputStream in = new XPFileInputStream(entryfile);
+       // This is part of the ugly workaround for a design flaw
+       // in the JDK zip API, for uncompressed entries we
+       // are forced to calculate a CRC for the input stream
+       CRC32 crc = null;
+       if (! compression) {
+           crc = new CRC32();
+           in = new CheckedInputStream(in,crc);
+       }
        try {
            readwriteStreams(in, zos);
        } finally {
+       // ZIP design flaw workaround
+       if (! compression) {
+           ze.setCrc(crc.getValue());
+       }
+       // finish writing the entry to the stream
+       // this lets us access the compressed size
+       // attribute of the current ZipEntry
        if (verbose) {
-           // Find compressed size of entry adter it has been added
+           // Find compressed size of entry after it has been added
            long unsize = ze.getSize();
            long csize = ze.getCompressedSize();

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