> I have a modified sampNat.cc and sample.java from the GCJ home page.
> It compiles fine into 100% pure i586, but when I want to get a hybrid
> system, with the native libsampNat.so and jvm sample.class, I get nowhere.

The partially working gcj support does not support CNI, so 
sampNat.cc won't work.

What we're aiming for is for you to be able to use gcj to
compile sample.class to sample.o, link it to sample.so and
run it under kaffe (assuming that it does not rely on CNI natives).

        - Godmar

> I compiled the .class using jikes, I linked the libsampNat.so, and strace
> says that it WAS opened, but the search continued (it didnt provide the
> expected Java_sample_mynative() opener?). I looked in kaffevm/gcj/*
> and your FAQ, and their FAQ, and got nowhere. Can this be done? HOW!
> thanks, Graham  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> P.S. Sorry for not subscribing to all the email lists, but my modem
> overheats and gets confused.

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