I was under the impression that methods like Thread.stop() were
removed from the JDK or replaced with no-ops. I seem to remember
that they were never implemented in Netscape's JVM. The whole
concept of stoping a thread seems like a bad idea, a thread
should expire due to natural causes.

Here are some notes about it from the Sun developer site.

Mo Dejong
Red Hat Inc.

On 22 May 2000, Jason Baker wrote:

> Archie Cobbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Email me a simple test case and I'll run it under both kaffe and JDK 1.2.
> Weird.  Blackdown 1.2.2 doesn't seem to asynchronously stop threads at
> all, while jdk 1.1.7 can do it some of the time.  Neither one seems to
> throw an exception with a stack trace at all.
> Jason
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1.2.2:
> nephi(53) java Die 
> sleeper started
> doing it...
> loop started
> caught an error
> java.lang.Error: throwing from main
> done
> doing it...
> ^C
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1.1.7:
> nephi(57) java Die
> sleeper started
> doing it...
> loop started
> caught an error
> java.lang.Error: throwing from main
> done
> doing it...
> ^C
> nephi(59) java Die 100
> sleeper started
> doing it...
> loop started
> caught an error
> java.lang.Error: throwing from main
> done
> doing it...
> caught an error
> java.lang.Error: throwing from main
> done
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> patched kaffe:
> sleeper starteddoing it...
> loop started
> caught an error
> java.lang.Error: throwing from main
>         at java.lang.Thread.waitOn(Thread.java:475)
>         at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Thread.java:364)
>         at Die$1.doIt(Die.java:24)
>         at Die.run(Die.java:7)
> done
> doing it...
> caught an error
> java.lang.Error: throwing from main
>         at Die.run(Die.java:7)
> done
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> public abstract class Die extends Thread {
>   abstract void doIt();
>   public void run()
>   {
>     System.err.println("doing it...");
>     try { doIt(); }
>     catch (Error e) {
>       System.err.println("caught an error");
>       e.printStackTrace(System.err);
>     }
>     System.err.println("done");
>   }
>   static public void main(String[] args)
>     throws InterruptedException
>   {
>     int startup = 1000;
>     if (args.length > 0)
>       startup = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
>     Thread u = new Die() {
>       void doIt() {
>       try { Thread.sleep(300000); }
>       catch (InterruptedException _) { }
>       }
>     };
>     u.start();
>     System.err.println("sleeper started");
>     Thread.sleep(startup);
>     u.stop(new Error("throwing from main"));
>     Thread t = new Die() {
>       void doIt() { while (true) ; }
>     };
>     t.start();
>     System.err.println("loop started");
>     Thread.sleep(startup);
>     t.stop(new Error("throwing from main"));
>   }
> }

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