On Tue, 30 May 2000, sumedhan wrote:

>   dear sir,
> I am interested in porting kaffe on windows NT system. I have downloaded
> the source code from kaffe.org. I am facing a lot of difficulty in using
> make. could u
> pl send me step by step implementation procedure for doing this? Pl give
> me the reference or site where this info is available?
> sumedha.

The first thing you will need to do is install cygwin. Just grab
the "net installer" from one of the mirrors and run it to install
gcc and gdb on your NT system.

Download the installer.


Run it and then point it at a mirror like


You should then be able to download and extract a tar ball
of Kaffe. Then you just cd to the kaffe directory run
./configure ; make ; make install and it should
build and install.

I have not tested this myself so you may run into problems
but that is how it "should" work.

Mo Dejong
Red Hat Inc.

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