142 errors are reported, the majority of which look genuine. This is
down from 429 reported before I eliminated errors that appear
identically in superclasses :) There are some really simple cases (eg
AWTEvents _MASK fields have the wrong types) and some that aren't so
simple (differences in throws clauses are nasty, because it's trivial to
just *say* that yes, we throw java.rmi.UnknownHostException but do we
*actually* throw it in the right situations?)

FWIW, the summary information is:
Packages: 2 missing, 20 good.
Classes: 3 missing, 1 bad, 384 good.
Interfaces: 1 missing, none bad, 75 good.
Fields: 3 missing, 49 bad, 1374 good.
Constructors: 4 missing, 13 bad, 632 good.
Methods: 135 missing, 42 bad, 10437 good.
Total Errors: 142.

I suspect that the reason the "Total errors" is less than the sum of all
the "missing"s and "bad"s is because of the elimination of duplicates,
but I'll look into that further. In the meantime, I hope this
information is useful :)


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