Nic Ferrier wrote:
> The CVS is the always the most up to date release of Kaffe (it is
> what the developers use to work on the code) but it is not gauranteed
> 100% to work since a fix in one area might break another.


> Regression tests (AFAIK) are not undertaken except when a release is
> performed.

Well, there is a regression test suite (with 102 tests in it now)
that's pretty easy to run via `make check`. It seems most of the
developers do, even.  The problem is, of course, that Kaffe supports N
platforms, M thread systems, and Q configurations, so its not really
usually an exhaustive check (most developers have 1 platform and 0
Kaffe also has a nightly tester that checks-out, compiles, and runs
the basic tests under 5 different configurations (on FreeBSD).  For
details check out

So, I would say that on FreeBSD (and therefore probably Linux), the
CVS snapshot is generally pretty reliable.  Of course, its not
guaranteed to be.  :)


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         This bit of signature was randomly selected. Really.

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