I wrote:
> Prashant wrote:
> >    According to my knowledge about linux, whenever JVM call
> > "System.loadLibray("Hello")" function, it will search for the library (which
> > we created "libHello.so")  in the "/usr/lib" or "/lib" directory.  
> You can usually set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to a directory to search there,
> too.  

One more suggestion.

If you add a library to /lib or /usr/lib (or anywhere else in the
standard library directories), I believe you have to re-run 'ldconfig'
to get it to update its cache of libraries.  Run 'ldconfig -v' to see
if that, at least, finds your libHello.so.


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Your research fills a much needed gap.

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