     I am very interested in this project. Can you share what modifications you made, and what are your goals?

I have recently done the pthreads soft real-time port of Kaffe under linux.

Thank you,

Philippe Laporte
Optimization Engineer                 Tel:     (510) 527-4025 ext 14 
Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.,      Fax:     (510) 559-3287
Berkeley, CA, USA.                    Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


C Pedley wrote:

Surely the Makefile.in files are automatically generated from
the Makefile.am files and do not require modification.  I forgot
to mention the first time that I have also updated the configure.in

I am sure I wish to do this as I'm implementing the javax.realtime
package on top of a modified kaffe.

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Nic Ferrier wrote:

> >>> C Pedley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 16-Nov-00 11:57:15 AM >>>
> >My approach so far has been:  I have a new package I wish
> >to create, say called javax.new  So I created a new folder
> >in the libraries/extensions folder, and then copied the
> >directory structure and makefile.am format from the servlet
> >package that is located here (obviously changing "servlet"
> >to "new" wherever this is appropriate).  However, when
> >attempting to use these makefiles an error is thrown as
> >it doesn't know how to build the new.jar archive.  Any
> >ideas?
> You have to alter the Makefile.in and run automake if you want to
> change the distrib.
> But are you sure you want to do that?
> Nic

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