Awesome, I built a RESTful Proxy last week so I will integrate your library
and check that out. I'll publish my Proxy code soon, it is getting thrashed
internally right now.
On Jul 15, 2012 4:21 PM, "Michal Hariš" <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a long interest in pub-sub and have written several variants of
> proxies/bridges to JMS ( ActiveMQ, HornetQ and some others) in Java and I
> share the motivations behind Kafka project (esp. the idea of keeping the
> consumption state at the consumer side really speaks to my heart and also
> the focus on persistence).
> So I started writing some proofs of concept for the 50GB of daily event
> logs I work with and  which I would like to turn into a real time streams
> rather than offline hive processes. I often use php for proof-of-concepts
> because it's easy to write and throw away but after a few hours of using
> and looking at the Kafka PHP Client which is in the incubator trunk I have
> ended up writing and alternative because the existing client does few
> things which don't work for me ( mainly the fact that it loads the entire
> fetch-response into memory and then processes internal buffer plus few
> other things.. ) and doesn't do few things I need ( mainly doesn't try to
> deal with the long offsets and  decompression )
> Please have a look if you're interested:
> (Btw, having a robust and simple php api would be an easy step towards a
> restful proxy which could be later turned into scala/java underneath once
> the restful api would get stable)
> Michal

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