
Currently, reviewing a set of commits in Kallithea is based on the
concept of a pull request. A code author can create a pull request for
a set of (descendant) commits so that people can review it.
When Kallithea is not used for actually performing the pull/push to
the main repo, the pull request concept is actually not the best fit.

One particular case where it fails is when not all commits you want
reviewed are descendants of one another. Maybe there is a commit in
the middle that is irrelevant, or relevant but you do not expect
reviewed by that set of people.

In this case, being able to cherry-pick the commits part of the review
is more useful. Given the Kallithea way of handling reviews (which is
mostly coupled to individual changesets without them being coupled to
the corresponding pull request), it wouldn't be that hard to add an
extra concept in Kallithea: that of 'Review request'.
Such review request could contain an arbitrary number and combination
of commits, without mandatory parent-child relation, but is otherwise
very similar to the current pull request concept.

What do you think of this idea?

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