
On 25 March 2015 at 16:53, Neal Becker <ndbeck...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm running into a problem.  I'm using hg-3.3.2, and I have a repo using
> obsolete markers.  When I start kallithea, go to admin page, it says hg is
> 3.1.2.  I can't figure out where that comes from.  I mv'd the hg in the
> venv/bin, so kallithea would hopefully use my hg from /usr/bin, but that
> didn't help.

Sean has written some code to support obsoletion in Kallithea, you may
find it at smf.io. It's about 6 patches, I've tested them and the
mostly work, but they're not yet in our official branch.

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