
I've followed the Contribution page [1] page and
would like to understand what I might be doing wrong.

I've set up the 0.3.99 Kallithea (via [1]) and while the dev site isn't
https-based, the remote repos that I clone off of do use HTTPS and
the code doesn't seem to like that. (It's perfectly ok with 0.3.6.
but 0.3.99 doesn't like it)

I am getting:

Exception AttributeError: "'httppeer' object has no attribute
'_urlopener'" in <bound method httppeer.__del__ of
<mercurial.httppeer.httppeer object at 0x7fcf31e6f710>> ignored
2018-12-21 12:28:38.122 ERROR [kallithea.model.validators] URL
validation failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kali/kallithea/kallithea/model/validators.py", line 430,
in validate_python
    is_valid_repo_uri(repo_type, url, make_ui('db', clear_session=False))
  File "/home/kali/kallithea/kallithea/lib/utils.py", line 226, in
    MercurialRepository._check_url(url, ui)
"/home/kali/kallithea/kallithea/lib/vcs/backends/hg/repository.py", line
349, in _check_url
    % (cleaned_uri, e))
URLError: <urlopen error url
[https://:*****@hg.mozilla.org/releases/comm-beta] does not look like an
hg repo org_exc: __init__() takes exactly 7 arguments (3 given)>

This is when I try to add a repository:

I'm using Mercurial 4.8.1 and I noticed this version's httppeer.py's
httppeer class has 7 arguments as opposed to 4.3.1's version which
only has 3.

Basically from this (line336 from

                httppeer(repoui or ui.ui(), url).lookup('tip')

and for 4.3.1's httppeer.py :

class httppeer(wireproto.wirepeer):

    def __init__(self, ui, path):

        self.path = path
        self.caps = None

whereas 4.8.1's httppeer:

class httppeer(wireprotov1peer.wirepeer):
    def __init__(self, ui, path, url, opener, requestbuilder, caps):

Is this a known issue?


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