Hi Uwe,

On Thu, Aug 13, 2020, 17:50 Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> wrote:

> Hi
> Since I cannot install kallitea via pip (my python version in Ubuntu
> 16.04 is too old) I thought to give the installation from source a try.
> The documentation in
> https://kallithea.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html
> Reads
> ,----
> | hg clone https://kallithea-scm.org/repos/kallithea -u stable
> | cd kallithea
> | python3 -m venv ../kallithea-venv
> | . ../kallithea-venv/bin/activate
> | pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
> | pip install --upgrade -e .
> | python3 setup.py compile_catalog   # for translation of the UI
> `----
> I don't understand the lines
>  python3 -m venv ../kallithea-venv
>  . ../kallithea-venv/bin/activate
> Is this supposed to be one line?
> What does the . At the beginning of the second line supposed to be?

The '.' is an alias to the 'source' shell command. It reads and executes
the file provided as arguments.
See section "Shell Builtin Commands" at:

The 'activate' script is provided by virtualenv/venv and sets certain
environment variables, like PATH to make sure the right python executable
and libraries are used.
This would not be possible of the script were directly executed, as opposed
to source'ing it, because environment variables set by a program or script
do not impact its parent (shell) process, only the program/script itself
and its children.

Note that virtualenv/venv will use the python3 found in PATH, so if you
only have python 3.5 you will still not be able to install kallithea.
If you can install python 3 6 or later in another way, you can make sure to
call that python executable instead of 'python3', e.g

python3.6 -m venv ../kallithea-venv

There exist ways to install a specific python version as a normal user,
e.g. with pyenv (https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv) or other similar tools.
You could also install a python version from source manually.

Best regards,
kallithea-general mailing list

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