On 21/02/2024 10:41, Ed Wong wrote:
File "/var/www/kali/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/mercurial/ui.py",
line 1299, in _writenobuf
line 115, in write
   c = write1(m[total_written:])
peError: write() argument 1 must be read-only bytes-like object, not

That exception is quite deep inside Mercurial, in a version that is quite old now. But also, it could perhaps be something with the WSGI stack in your setup. It seems like you are doing something is quite common, but the problem is not common. Something special must be triggering it. But also, the last official release is indeed quite old. If the problem can be reproduced and hasn't been fixed on the stable branch, we can fix it there.

Thinking that this might have been some compatibility issue between
the old Kallithea managed repos and the 0.7.0, I thought I'd create
a new repository.

In my opinion, that seems unlikely to solve the problem.

line 776, in send_task
  TypeError: as_task_v2() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ignore_result'

At this point, I'm kinda stuck.   I have Celery == 5.0.5.

That could seem like https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/6829 - are you sure you are using celery 5.0.5 ?

On 25/02/2024 14:32, Branko Majic wrote:
So... I don't know what the exact issue is you are facing here, but
based on some personal experiences.... The released version of
Kallithea (0.7.0) is quite outdated from the code perspective when
compared to what is currently in the repository tip.

Yes - the stable branch is very stable ... while also supporting more recent and bugfixed Mercurial versions, so I would recommend using that instead of the aging latest official release. https://kallithea.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html#installation-from-repository-source

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