
Please take my comments with a grain of salt.  I've been out of
Kamaelia mode for several months now as I've had my head buried in
google app engine stuff.  I don't have any better suggestions, so I
feel like I don't have the right to complain, but... well it's the
internets right?

Michael, I can appreciate the goal of trying to make basic things
simple.  Your suggestion however feels really ... magical to me.  I
like decorators, really.  I use them a lot.  But I think decorators
are best used to apply one flavor change to the decorated function /
class without significantly changing the decorated item's signature.
Things like, @run_in_transaction, or @handle_exceptions, or
@with_logging, or @memoize, or @with_mutex.

All these examples are kind of like aspect oriented programming.  The
core stays relatively the same while some feature is wrapped around it
relatively transparently.  But what you've proposed is really a
heavily magic @transmogrify.  It's turning a function into a class -
and then a whole lot more.

I've seen lots of very handy decorators that take no arguments (other
than the decorated function/class).  I've seen a lot fewer handy
decorators that take exactly one additional argument.  I've not got
any decorators that I consider nice to use which take multiple
additional arguments.  Totally side-stepping the issue that I really
dislike the idea of @decorate function -> class, if you wanted to do
all that other stuff, may I please suggest you break each piece of
functionality up into separate decorators.  Like...

class target_class(foo):

To my brain, that is easier to process one line at a time than trying
to grok the mind-bending:
@GeneratorComponent(Inboxes = ["inbox", "control"],
                    Outboxes = ["outbox", "signal"])

Again, please take with liberal doses of salt.


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