
Thanks for the Kudos and I'm glad to hear someone is still out there.
There are a few architectural issues I'd like to clarify.

As I was going through the development process a couple of ideas occurred to

1. Should I just use a string inbox and dynamically convert the messages to
their final values inside the components, or go for the gold and use D
templating to allow you to create mailboxes that are type specific?

I decided to allow you to use D templates to create typed mailboxes.  My
thinking was to allow the compiler to make sure inboxes and outboxes matched
types.  In order to make it possible for users to dynamically match up an
inbox with compatible outboxes, I register the outbox with a generic message
bus and  alllow introspection to take care of suggesting possible matches
for dynamic programming.  (I can use Tango lisp-like filtering mechanisms to
find conforming mailboxes).

One of my concerns was the extra complexity required in a generic postman
process to dispatch a type-specific send.  I actually tried that and while
it worked, it was really awkward because I had to first link the
type-specific mailbox into the generic postman and then get the generic
postman to dispatch the type-specific send in the outbox.

Well that was all resolved when I read a little further in your tutorial. I
realized that by optimizing the postman out of the process and doing direct
deliveries when outbox.send is called the whole problem evaporated. (The
only downside of that is that message sends are not synchronous.  An outbox
can send 500 messages to a single inbox before a yield.  In that sense it's
an asynchronous bus, which brings with it certain issues, but avoids a lot
of others.)

The advantages: Much higher performance becase I don't have to
serialize/deserialize the messages when I send them.  I can create a fractal
image compression scheme and stream through an Outbox!(FractalDiff) or
something.  Pretty fast as long as the whole yield mechanism is  relatively
small compared to the size of the object being sent or computation being

The downside: The rest of the system has to be tweaked slightly to keep
track of Variant types.  For example, if I have a Component that has one
inbox of type SIGNAL, one inbox of type float, one outbox of type int and
one outbox of type string I can't just create a linkedlist of those.

You can see that in the component definition.  My current solution is to
create a generic interface called "IntrFace" that implements a minimal
inbox, outbox behavior and have all of the mailboxes implement that
interface.  Then I can create a LinkedList!(IntrFace) and everyone is
happy.  That probably seems obvious to you, but when you've been doing
Python for a long time you make assumptions about the capabilities of the
language itself. Type safe systems can be sticklers.  :-)  It's a little bit
of pain now, for a (hopefully) big payoff later.

2. Another issue that I'm still undecided on is what to do when:
+ An outbox wants to send to an inbox, but the inbox is full.  (It's a
linked list so it's only "sort of full")
+ You perform a read on an empty inbox (without checking for available

a) In the first case, I provide a "ready" boolean on the inbox.  It answers
the question "you're full, do you still want me to send?".  The default
value is "false", so the sender just ignores the inbox/receiver.  It can be
changed on-the-fly by the component when it thinks it might be busy or when
its doing something intense. (rate adaption etc)  The nice part is that the
"ready" boolean can be overridden with a boolean function so that the
receiver gets one last chance to adapt to the situation (extend its inbox
size, change its highwater mark, flush the inbox and consider this an
overrun condition etc).  If it's able to adapt to extend the inbox it
returns true.

b) When reading on an emtpy inbox, I'd like to have inbox.read() check its
own FIFO length.  If it's zero, then do a Fiber.yield() until something
becomes available.  The problem is that you can't just do a Fiber.yield(),
you need to set some flag on the component to say its I/O waiting so it
won't be rescheduled.  Then of course you have to say what its waiting on so
it won't be dispatched for the wrong inbox and have to sleep again. Levels
of complexity etc.  In the end I'd just like to remove the mandatory
requirement that a component must check its inbox size before reading.  It's
a lot of redundant noise if it's not too difficult to program around.  Of
course the inbox still has the ability to check its own size whenever it
wants to.  If it works, inbox.read() behaves a lot like a blocking system
call.  That simplicity demands complexity in the scheduler.

(sorry if this is running long, but these are the architectural issues that
run through my mind.  believe it or not, Axon/D or Dendrite or whatever is
just a subsystem for another simulation I'm building).

3. Another "feature" I considered and then decided not to implement at the
mailbox layer was delivery to multiple inboxes from the same outbox.  At
first it looked like a great idea.  I would get publish/subscribe for free.
Unfortunately it complicates the delivery mechanism as welll as constraining
the "publisher" to stick around until all of the content has been consumed.
Eventually I decided that a publisher is a special kind of component that
subscribers register themselves with.   The producer component only has to
produce content, send it to the publisher and could simply quit executing.
The publisher transmits its inbox to all listening subscribers.  That way I
decouple the producer from the consumer.  This model also allows a special
Pool component that does round-robin delivery to listeners.  Such a
component enables pure tuple space work pools allowing worker components to
pick up some workunit, process it and come back for more.  Combine that with
network and multicore components and distributed parallel processing becomes

4. I've also considered pass through delivery, but haven't had a use case
for it yet (though I won't be suprised if it presents itself.)

I want to clean up the code I've got and then I'll shoot it to you.

Jim Burnes
Ft Collins, CO

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Michael Sparks <spark...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Erisian,
> Let me just say that I think this is awesome, and I'm very glad to hear
> that
> Kamaelia's been helpful to you here.

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