Hi Michael,

I was wondering if you could take just a couple minutes to tell us
what's cooking and maybe how much work is left to do.  I've recently
been getting acquainted with Gazerra, a trusted private p2p network
tool with muti-source transfer (ala bittorrent).  My team at work
needs ways to sync/share large VM images and we have limited uplink
bandwidth from our remote locations.

Anyway, Gazerra is written in Pascal and as I try to comprehend how to
make minor improvements my brain keeps going back to "I bet this would
would look a lot cleaner with a nice concurrency system like
Kamaelia."  I keep itching to take the concept and see how hard it
would be to get the absolute base functionality working with Kamaelia.

But, this program needs to maximize network transfer efficiency while
performing computation tasks like chunk hashing, etc.  That made me
start wondering if you had any progress on implementing improvements
that came out of Simon Wittber's fibra benchmarks or your comparison
with pypes.

Recently, you wrote:

> Incidentally, my plan is as I noted yesterday to do directly delivery - but
> isn't an immediate solution. (The Axon2 rewrite is starting down that path)

Is Axon2 the fruits of those (fibra, pypes) comparisons?

Not pressuring by the way, just curious how things are progressing on
that front.


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