
Just to note that I'm planning the next release at the moment, and I'm
planning on the following stuff:

    * Finishing off the Dirac 1.0 bindings.
    * Finishing Packaging up the Macro work as a standalone
    * Cherry Picking, fixing and merging the "Jam" work as a
standalone app (insofar as possible).

This relates to the following 3 branches:
    * private_MPS_Dirac1_0_Update/
    * private_MPS_Macro/ - this will probably end up having a name
      change at some point too, and I'd be interested in suggestions
    * private_JT_JamDev/

If anyone has any code they wish to contribute, feedback or plain help
out with, it's very much appreciated. This can be anything from code
related, through docs, through to help with the website. (I've got
some plans for improving the website, but the traditional problem of
only 1 pair of hands!)

That said, if there's any specific feature requests that people have
as well, now is the time to ask (in the next week or two).

Heck if someone wants to come in and take over one of these bits
because they think they can do it or work on stablising or extending
any of the existing apps, that's also very welcome. I'd find it quite
fun to see someone scavenge a simple video recording system based on
ripping code out the whiteboard, and perhaps autosegments it using the
shotchange detection code, but a simple direct to disk video recorder
would be fun.

Just say what you'd like to do, I'll create you a space in /Sketches
with your initials on it, and let you know how to go from random
exploration in /Sketches to deployable code in /trunk via hand off in /
branches. :-)

Anyway, I'm not sure on timeline for the next release at the moment,
but aside from a december release it seems that a bi-monthly release
schedule works quite well. Given the versioning of Y.Y.M.r, this would
suggest that the next release would be

Either way, in advance of the new year - Happy New Year :-)


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