هذا المقال يشرح كيف يتم احتساب اللايبور وكيف تأثر احتسابه بالازمة الاقتصادية 
حين فقدت البنوك الثقة ببعضها ..




The old relationship between Libor, swap rates and mortgage rates has broken 
Posted on 25 September 2009 by Ray Boulger 

2 years ago few people had heard of Libor, the London Interbank Offered Rate, 
let alone knew what it was. Most people still won’t be able to define Libor but 
as a result of the credit crunch many people will at least be familiar with the 
term, as mainstream news bulletins took to reporting daily changes in 3 month 
Libor after Lehman’s bankruptcy. 

The definition used for the calculation of Libor for the purposes of any Libor 
linked product is the British Bankers’ Association (BBA) fixing of Libor at 
11.00.a.m. each day, based on the average of the rates at which inter-bank 
deposits are offered to the contributing banks for various terms and in all the 
major currencies. Not all of the contributing banks provide rates for every 

Libor, particularly 3m Libor, is a widely used benchmark for short-term 
interest rates and, as outlined above, is in theory is the rate of interest at 
which prime banks borrow funds from each other for terms from overnight to 1 
year. However, over the past year it became known as the rate at which banks 
don’t lend to each other! 

All of the contributing banks are major banks and prior to the credit crunch 
the rates supplied on any one day by these banks would be similar. However, the 
lack of trust in even major banks after Lehman’s collapse resulted in much 
wider variations in the rates at which even these banks could borrow from one 
another. Questions were even asked as to whether some of the banks were 
massaging the rates supplied to the BBA to avoid admitting the real rates they 
were being quoted to borrow from their peers.     

Readers will be most familiar with the Sterling 3m Libor rate, which is not 
only the Libor rate most commonly quoted but also the rate used for nearly all 
mortgages which track Libor. A mortgage linked to 3m Libor is in effect a 
serious of 3 month fixed rates, with the rate reset at the beginning of each 3 
month period. 

Because most tracker mortgages are linked to Bank Rate rather than Libor, 
whereas the funds lenders borrow in the money markets will normally linked to 
Libor, as far as their mortgage lending is concerned the important point for 
lenders is not the actual rate of Libor but the spread between Bank Rate and 
Libor, particularly 3 month Libor. 

Movements in 3m Libor anticipate Bank Rate changes expected by the market and 
prior to the credit crunch 3m Libor averaged about 0.16% above Bank Rate. This 
margin rocketed to well over 1% at times over the last year but 3m Libor has 
today fallen back to only 0.05% above Bank Rate, which is a good indication 
that conditions in the money market are improving. 

However, much of the money borrowed by banks and building societies to support 
their mortgage lending is not borrowed for just the short Libor term but by way 
of a Floating Rate Note (FRN), a Residential Mortgage Backed Security (RMBS) or 
a Covered Bond for a longer period, typically 5 – 15 years, with the interest 
rate set for the whole term at a fixed margin above or below Libor. The actual 
margin depends on market conditions, the status of the borrower and, for 
mortgage backed securities and covered bonds, the quality of the security 

All three markets closed for new issues following Lehman’s bankruptcy and the 
FRN and RMBS markets have only just reopened. Over the last few weeks Barclays, 
Nationwide and Lloyds have all raised money by issuing sterling senior 
unsecured FRNs for 10-12 years. Nationwide, for example, raised £700m for 10 
years, but had to pay 1.85% over 3m Libor, compared to 0.1% over Libor last 
time it raised money in this way, which was in 2005 This is a clear indication 
of how much the market has changed, despite Libor rates above Bank Rate 
returning to pre credit crunch levels. 

Lloyds had to concede an even bigger margin over Libor, which says a lot for 
the trust the market has in our Government’s commitment to playing fair with 
those institutions which choose to lend new money to our nationalised and part 
nationalised banks! Barclays, on the other hand, were able to borrow a little 
cheaper than Nationwide. 

Only this week Lloyds has raised about £4bn at 3m Libor + 1.8% in the first 
European issue of a residential mortgage backed security since Lehman’s 

The perception most people have is that Libor is the cost of funds to banks and 
building societies. However, as can be seen from the fact that Nationwide have 
had to pay 1.85% over Libor to borrow new money, it is not that simple. The 
cost to lenders of borrowing in the money market is a combination of the margin 
over or below Libor they have to pay plus the rate of Libor itself. Most 
lenders will still have FRNs issued on much finer margins before the credit 
crunch and the more they have still outstanding in these issues the lower will 
be their average cost of funds. 

The return of Libor rates to normal margins over Bank Rate and the re-opening 
of the FRN and RMBS markets are both encouraging signs for the mortgage market. 
These issues made sense for the lenders concerned, despite the high margin over 
Libor, because they still provided funds cheaper than the 3% or so they have to 
pay to be competitive in the instant access retail savings market, or more for 
1-5 year fixed rate bonds. 

Now that some lenders can again raise funds in the money markets at an 
acceptable rate, we should begin to see more competition in the mortgage market 
emerging as these lenders will now be better able to take advantage of the 
historically high gross margins available in the residential mortgage market. 
This suggests that current margins above the cost of funds, both for variable 
rate and fixed rate mortgages, are close to a peak. 

Also, with house prices almost certainly going to show an increase in 2009 (my 
current forecast based on the Nationwide index is an increase of 6-7%) but most 
lenders budgeting in their 2008 accounts for a fall this year of around 15% and 
further falls next year, plus repossessions well below forecast levels, 
provisions for bad debts on residential mortgage lending in lenders’ 2009 
accounts should be well down on last year’s provisions, although commercial 
lending may be a different story. 

This all suggests that conditions in the residential mortgage market should 
start to improve in the near future, although the extremely onerous Basel 2 
capital adequacy rules mean that the spread between the cost of high and low 
LTV mortgages will continue to far wider than prior to 1 January 2008, which is 
when the current rules came into force.  


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سياسة النشر في المجموعة:
- ترك ما عارض أهل السنة والجماعة.
- الاكتفاء بأمور ذات علاقة بالاقتصاد الإسلامي وعلومه ولو بالشيء البسيط. ويستثنى 
من هذا مايتعلق بالشأن 
العام على مستوى الأمة كحدث غزة مثلا.
- عدم ذكر ما يتعلق بشخص طبيعي أو اعتباري بعينه. باستثناء الأمر العام الذي يهم 
عامة المسلمين.
-  تمرير بعض الأشياء الخفيفة المسلية ضمن قواعد الأدب وخاصة منها التي تأتي من 
أعضاء لا يشاركون عادة، والقصد من ذلك تشجيعهم على التفاعل الإيجابي.
- ترك المديح الشخصي.

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