Japanese Tsunami Rolls Across Global Economy

Market Highlights:

*       Economic Risks Weigh on Currency Markets  
*       Tertiary Effects Felt 
*       Canadian Dollar Loses Momentum 
*       European Negotiations Boost Currency

Economic Risks Weigh on Currency Markets

The aftereffects of Friday’s Japanese earthquake continued to be felt across
the foreign exchange markets over the weekend, with trading dominated by a
generalized flight-to-safety impulse. The US dollar, Japanese yen and Swiss
franc played their traditional safe haven roles, while the Aussie, Kiwi, and
British units traded on a weaker basis. 

The Japanese yen saw extremely volatile trading, as investors initially sold
the currency in fear, bought for safety, and then attempted to square off
their risk exposures in the event of further moves. The Bank of Japan
expanded its asset purchase programme, announcing that it would pour 15
trillion yen (approximately $183 billion USD) into the markets in an attempt
to bolster confidence and stabilize markets. The central bank also indicated
a willingness to step into the currency markets to weaken the yen’s value in
the event that it rises too quickly. 

With large parts of the world's third largest economy knocked temporarily
offline, investors are growing increasingly nervous about the impact that
may be felt in other major economies around the world. Japanese companies
are integral parts of the global supply chain, meaning that disruptions may
be felt in a number of advanced industries as component shortages affect
production. Many large firms, including Sony and Toyota, have announced
plans to shut down some of their Japanese operations for a brief period,
transportation infrastructure has been devastated, and rolling blackouts are
weighing on manufacturing throughout the country. The possibility of further
problems at one of the damaged nuclear plants is an additional economic

Tertiary Effects Felt

There are a couple of second-tier consequences being felt in the currency

The possibility that large insurance payouts will be triggered is exerting
downward pressure on the pound sterling, with the United Kingdom home to
many of the world’s largest reinsurance firms. Rumoured figures have already
topped $34 billion USD, and there are many indications that these costs will

High-yielding currencies such as the Aussie and the Kiwi are seeing sharp
falls as speculators exit their carry trades. Borrowing in Japanese yen at
low yields and lending into the higher-yielding Antipodean currencies became
extremely popular in recent years as interest rate differentials widened.
However, the inherently leveraged nature of the carry trade can mean that
investors are vulnerable to terrible losses in the event that the yen rises
in value - as it is doing now. As panicked traders buy yen to repay their
borrowings, they cause a self-reinforcing market cycle to occur, pushing up
the currency’s value more quickly. 

These secondary effects are likely to erode quickly as the global economy
adjusts, but should be watched closely as they create short-term volatility.
Whenever longer-term trends are reversed in the short term, attractive
hedging opportunities are created. 

Canadian Dollar Loses Momentum

The Canadian dollar has hit stubborn resistance around the 0.97 mark against
the US dollar, failing to decisively break through over several consecutive
trading cycles. Feeble domestic employment numbers released on Friday were
instrumental in lowering interest rate expectations, and weakness across the
commodities complex is weighing on Canadian dollar bulls. As protests in the
Middle East fail to unseat governments and expectations of global economic
growth are downgraded, commodity prices have lost impetus, and the crude oil
price has slipped back below the $100 mark. 

In a worrisome development, the University of Michigan consumer sentiment
index took a dramatic turn for the worse in early March. According to
numbers released on Friday, the widely watched indicator slumped to 68.2,
from last month's 77.5 reading.

To some, these numbers will be taken as proof that rising oil prices are
beginning to take a toll in the real economy. The oil price's 20% ascent
over the past few months may be functioning as a psychological tax, making
people less willing to spend. Given the US consumer’s role in supporting
Canadian exports, this may portend underperformance in trade numbers in the
coming months. We will be watching these numbers closely in the coming

European Negotiations Boost Currency

European leaders delivered a positive surprise for the financial markets
over the weekend by managing to achieve agreement on the largest components
of a plan to reform the euro area and bolster the rescue fund. The currency
rose against most of its major counterparts, moving up from sub-1.39 levels
against the US dollar as sovereign debt markets appeared to stabilize and
risk premia evaporated. 

Politicians from the 17 countries that share the common currency agreed to
expand guarantees against the European Financial Stability Facility,
allowing it to lend up to 440 billion euros to struggling sovereign issuers
- up from the 250 billion currently available. They also granted financial
relief to Greece, lowering the interest rate charged on the loans
outstanding and extending the repayment period four and a half years,
Negotiations with the Irish were less successful, with newly elected Prime
Minister Enda Kenny refusing to contemplate an increase in Ireland’s
corporate tax rates in exchange for improved rescue terms. Ireland has
functioned as something of a corporate tax haven within the European Union
for many years, and is reluctant to move closer in line with other member

Policymakers also drew up an agreement to pursue greater harmonization of
economic policies across the Union, including restrictions on government
spending and limits on public sector wages. This agreement is non-binding
however, meaning that the tough negotiation work remains ahead, along with
the market’s final verdict on the process. Meetings will continue, with a
‘comprehensive package’ of reforms due to be released on March 25th. 

Political newsflow coming out of these negotiations is likely to dominate
euro trading over the coming weeks, potentially driving exchange rate
adjustments. Capturing the resulting opportunities is a matter of
preparation – talk to your traders about the strongest strategies in this
context. Happy trading!

By Karl Schamotta, Senior Market Strategist



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ترك ما عارض أهل السنة والجماعة... الاكتفاء بأمور ذات علاقة بالاقتصاد الإسلامي 
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