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Dedy Gunawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Britton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Prize program in support of Third World Youth Projects

             Applications and recommendations welcome


Dear Friends of Sustainable Development and Social Justice,


The following just came in over the transom and I pass it on to you immediately just in case that you might have an idea and or some candidates for them.  The time frame is ridiculous (there are reasons for it but anyway .. .) , but there are two possible mitigating factors.


1.       The application form (outlined below and available on line at is quickly done. . . and need be no more than a few pages in all.

2.       Even if you cannot submit in time the secretariat is prepared to take late applications and have plans for continuing and extending the program for several years. So all would not be lost.


Let me not take your time from this end, other than to say that The Commons: Open Society Sustainability Initiative and all its projects and programs strongly supports efforts such as this which are ready to identity and support outstanding sustainability initiatives which demonstrate in concrete terms that the prevailing patterns of inertia and lassitude can be broken.  Our long term relations with the Stockholm Partnerships for Sustainable Cities (see is just one of many examples of this, along with our current support of several nominees for this years World Technology Prize for Environment (more information on that at the bottom of the left menu on our home page).


Here you have it, and if you do respond, it would be kind if you might copy it to us as well.  We want to follow this program and wish them the very best.  And if you have some counsel or ideas for them, while bearing in mind that they intend this as a continuing program, well that too would be a great idea.


With all good wishes,


Eric Britton


The Commons: Open Society Sustainability Initiative -

Le Frene, 8/10 rue Joseph Bara    75006 Paris, France

Tel:  Europe: +331 4326 1323       N. America +1 310 601-8468

Mobile:  +33 6 73.21 58.68           Fax: +33 1 53.01 28.96

E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Skype: ericbritton




Prize program in support of Third World Youth Projects


Peace Child International, the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland are working together to set up an international fund to support 40-50 youth-led development projects costing $500 - $1,000 designed chiefly to benefit the most disadvantaged in society. This fund will be distributed at the World Youth Congress in Stirling, Scotland on Saturday 6th August – assuming that there are enough projects of sufficient quality submitted from developing countries or emerging economies (Central & Eastern Europe).

Each project must be submitted on the form below. Each application will be reviewed by a panel consisting of representatives of PCI, TakingITGlobal, SCVO, Lloyds TSB Foundation for
Scotland and young people themselves. Delegates attending the congress will have the opportunity of presenting their own projects to the Programme Officers, but we are happy to accept projects proposed by non-delegates. Those not selected in this first round will be considered as part of our programme of Action Projects seeking funding ahead of the next World Youth Congress in Quebec City, Canada.

So what kind of projects are we looking for?

  • Projects costing $500 - $1,000. If you put in a project proposal seeking more than that, it will be automatically rejected.
  • Projects that are genuinely youth-led: it cannot be a bunch of adults getting some young people to front their project so they can get money for it.
  • It must be for a community benefit: so you cannot apply for your school fees!
  • It can be either income-generating - funds to start up a small business and creating jobs; or it can be non-income generating - for health, education, environmental clean-up or community improvement - social programmes which are of genuine and lasting community value.

Deadline? Projects from non-delegates must be submitted by 18.00 GMT on Friday July 29th.

Please Note: a lot of the youth-led action project proposals we receive are very similar! School renovation, environmental clean-ups, small scale farming projects etc. These are good and we are happy to receive more proposals along these lines. But we are really hoping for some radically different, more ambitious youth-led projects to impress and surprise the grant maker and future potential sponsors. So stretch your imaginations – come up with some really amazing projects that will feed and inform our discussions in Stirling and make a real difference in your community.

Remember: A picture tells thousand words! We encourage every young project manager, if you can, to take pictures of the project site, showing why the project is urgently needed, and also of you and your team members. We will mount the photographs along with a summary of the information you give in this form on our website, making our project more attractive to potential sponsors. Send your digital photographs along with your name and the title of your project to this e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or bring them with you to the Congress.


Project details (See website for your direct response to each item.)


1. Project Title: In TEN words or less, give your project a name that sums up what you are doing:


2. The Context: Describe your community - how many people live there, what they do, living conditions etc.


3. The need: What is the problem your project is addressing?


4. Work Schedule: What are you actually going to do, by when?


5. Your Team: Who is going to do this work? Give us their names and ages. Are they part an organisation? Why do you think your team is qualified to do this work?


6. The Mentor: Give us the name, address or e-mail address of an adult who has skills in this area of work who is prepared to support you to make sure your project is completed successfully.


7. The Evaluators: Give us the name and address or e-mail of some one not involved in the project who will write a report on your project telling us if it met the needs you set out to address; you may wish to appoint one older and younger evaluator


8. The Budget: What is your project going to cost? Write down everything you are going to have to buy and give us a total UNDER $1,000(US).


9. Handling Money: Very important--How you get and spend the money is often the biggest problem in youth-led development. So find a registered NGO, school or religious body to receive the funds into their bank account, buy materials for your project, and return accounts and a full financial report to us. Please give details of the organisation you are using as a financial agent, their bank account details and the nature of the agreement you have with them.


10. Sustainability: How will the project continue after you have spent the funds we send you?


11. TIG Projects: Have you set up a project page for your action plan on If so, what is the link? If not, consider setting one up at


David R. Woollcombe
Founder, Peace Child International
 The White House
Buntingford Herts SG9 9AH
United Kingdom

Peace Child International
Tel. +44 176 327 4459



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