On Tue, 09 Apr 2002 12:45:18 +1000, 
Brendan J Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is it easy to patch from release 2 from the the previous release of 
>kbuild-2.5 ?
>ie. is it as easy as untarring everyting in the Linux source directory 
>that has the previous kbuild-2.5 patches applied ??
>Maybe I have to remvoe the Makefile-2.5 directory and the entire scripts 
>directory first ???

Start from a clean Marcelo kernel.  Apply the latest kbuild 2.5 core
patch (current kbuild-2.5-core-2), the core patch is kernel
independent.  Apply the common and architecture patches for the kernel
you are working on.

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