On 10/07/2011 08:36 AM, Asral wrote:
> Sedangkan dibagian DNS server terdapat pesan error
> :
> The DNS server was unable to complete directory
> service enumeration of zone ykkbiproxy.net.  This
> DNS server is configured to use information
> obtained from Active Directory for this zone and
> is unable to load the zone without it.  Check that
> the Active Directory is functioning properly and
> repeat enumeration of the zone. The extended error
> debug information (which may be empty) is "". The
> event data contains the error.

Memangnya di KCF server di aktifkan DNS dan active directory service dan
di set sebagai domain member active directory?
Sebaiknya KCF server cukup dengan standalone (workgroup) saja agar tidak
rawan disusupi intruder.

Syafril Hermansyah

Milis Kerio Control Firewall Indonesia

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