--- Comment #5 from David REVOY <> ---
Created attachment 103415
[picture of steps to understand the description of the RedRobes highpass

Yes,  I agree. it's a feature request. I was curious about the Gimp plugin and
@Deo usage about the option 'Redrobes'; an option *I didn't know* about
high-pass. The result is good: better than other 'high-pass' filter I used
before (even GMIC one). Here is the core informations I found about it [1] :

The GIMP plugin filter propose 5 Highpass methods:
   1. Colour - a classic high-pass similar to Ps.
   2. Preserve DC - like colour, but adds the average image colour back in.
   3. Greyscale - turn to greyscales the layer before high pass filtering.
   4. Greyscale, Apply Chroma - as above, but blends it in with the source
layer colours
   5. Redrobes ( read down this post )

The basic steps used for all filters ( except "Redrobes" one) :
  -duplicate layer
  -blur the duplicate
  -invert the duplicate
  -set the duplicate to 50% opacity, keeping the mode "normal"
  -merge it down.
  (This gives the hpf with a base 10 50% grey.)

The Redrobes one is a bit more complex: ( see image in attachment, for
reference )
  -Get an image 1.
  -Blur it quite a lot 2.
  -Blur it until its a constant colour 3.
  -Use Image arithmetic to generate 2 - 3 => 4
  -Use Image arithmetic to generate 3 - 2 => 5
  -Take 1 and subtract 4 and add 5 => 6

[1] this information, attachement were created and quoted from RobA and
RedRobes (creator of the plugin) on the forum, main
thread: link: to be
used here later as references.

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