--- Comment #6 from Thomas Lübking <> ---
> 23:40:28.743 >>> y20 IDLE␍␊
> 23:40:28.920 <<< + IDLE accepted, awaiting DONE command.␍␊
> 23:40:46.408 >>> DONE␍␊
> 23:40:46.409 >>> y21 UID STORE 4556 +FLAGS (\Deleted)␍␊
trojita idled, broke the idleness and marked the mail as deleted ...

> 23:40:46.590 <<< y20 OK IDLE completed.␍␊
> 23:40:46.873 <<< y21 OK STORE completed.␍␊ acks idle break and delete flag

> 23:40:46.874 Imap::Mailbox::UpdateFlagsTask Completed
the mail should now be stroke in the message list

> 23:40:52.742 >>> y22 IDLE␍␊
> 23:40:52.926 <<< + IDLE accepted, awaiting DONE command.␍␊
trojita idles again

> 23:40:53.082 <<< * 15 EXPUNGE␍␊
> 23:40:53.082 <<< * 14 EXISTS␍␊
Something™ else triggered an expunge, trojita will update the message list.

=> "Something" might be the server in return to the idle state (if you're not
accessing the server with another client at the same time? webmailer?)

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