--- Comment #2 from Geoff King <> ---
I like the idea of combining the two.  I think it would be a good
simplification to have these settings in the same place or combined.  I have a
couple suggestions depending on the OS used (Mac or Windows).  These could be
considered separate, but I'll group here for now as they are interrelated.

For Mac 10.11:
-On Mac the background of the system menus (for example the Browse menu at top
of screen) always remain the same gray color, regardless of the theme or icons
selected [this is different than on Windows].  The icon colors do affect the
colors in these menus and the "Breeze Dark" icons are too light (white on
gray).  So the Mac version should always use icons and text that have a dark
color such as "Breeze" in these menus regardless of other settings.
-The icons and text in the GUI (Such as Properties on the right side or Albums
on the left)  are dependent on the selected color theme and icon scheme.  Below
is a map of recommended Themes combined with Icons to use in the GUI

Mac :
Theme Name - GUI Icons 
Default - Breeze 
Black Body - Breeze Dark 
Color Contrast - Breeze Dark
Dark Room - Breeze Dark 
Gray Card - Breeze Dark 
High Key - Breeze 
Low  Key - Breeze Dark 
Shade Of  Gray - Breeze Dark 
Sunset Color - Breeze Dark 
White Balance - Breeze 

This is a little different.  All the menus have the same color background.  So
the same matrix of themes and icons can be used for all.. You could use the
same map list as above.

Additionally I've adjusted the names below so that they all have spaces in them
(can report a separate bug for this if you like)

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