--- Comment #12 from Andrew <> ---
This works: 


Log coming in a minute. 

Log coming in a second. However, 5.5.0 stars right (after about 10 starts, it
has always started in under 2 minutes which is acceptable). 

io:digikam afritz$ pwd
io:digikam afritz$ .//Applications/KF5/
AudioResampler::Register(..., FFmpeg)
Singleton 0x7f808545bdc0 created...
AudioResampler::Register(..., Libav)
AudioOutputBackend::Register(..., AudioToolbox)
Singleton 0x7f808545bed0 created...
AudioOutputBackend::Register(..., OpenAL)
VideoDecoder::Register(..., CUDA)
Singleton 0x7f808545bfe0 created...
VideoDecoder::Register(..., VideoToolbox)
VideoRenderer::Register(..., OpenGLWindow)
Singleton 0x7f808545c440 created...
SubtitleProcessor::Register(..., LibASS)
Singleton 0x7f808545c4f0 created...
SubtitleProcessor::Register(..., FFmpeg)
AudioDecoder::Register(..., FFmpeg)
Singleton 0x7f808545c7a0 created...
AudioEncoder::Register(..., FFmpeg)
Singleton 0x7f808545c820 created...
ImageConverter::Register(..., FFmpeg)
Singleton 0x7f808545c8d0 created...
MediaIO::Register(..., QIODevice)
Singleton 0x7f808545cae0 created...
MediaIO::Register(..., QFile)
AudioOutputBackend::Register(..., null)
VideoDecoder::Register(..., FFmpeg)
VideoEncoder::Register(..., FFmpeg)
Singleton 0x7f808545cc80 created...
VideoRenderer::Register(..., OpenGLWidget)
VideoRenderer::Register(..., QGLWidget2)
VideoRenderer::Register(..., Widget)
VideoRenderer::Register(..., GraphicsItem)
digikam.widgets: Breeze icons ressource file found
digikam.general: AlbumWatch use QFileSystemWatcher
digikam.general: Database Parameters:
   Type:                     "QMYSQL"
   DB Core Name:             "digikam_main"
   DB Thumbs Name:           "digikam_thumb"
   DB Face Name:             "digikam_face"
   Connect Options:          ""
   Host Name:                ""
   Host port:                3306
   Internal Server:          false
   Internal Server Path:     ""
   Internal Server Serv Cmd: ""
   Internal Server Init Cmd: ""
   Username:                 "digikam"
   Password:                 "XXXXXXXX"

digikam.dbengine: Loading SQL code from config file
digikam.dbengine: Checking XML version ID => expected:  3  found:  3
digikam.coredb: Core database: running schema update
digikam.coredb: Core database: have a structure version  8
digikam.coredb: Core database: makeUpdates  8  to  8
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/"  uuid 
"volumeid:?path=/Users/afritz/Master Portfolio"
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/"  uuid 
"networkshareid:?mountpath=/Volumes/Home Directory/Documents/SWork/Master
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/"  uuid 
"networkshareid:?mountpath=/Volumes/Home Directory/Desktop/Syndicate"
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/"  uuid 
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/"  uuid 
"networkshareid:?mountpath=/Volumes/Misc External Drive/CommercialWork"
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/"  uuid 
"volumeid:?path=/Users/afritz/Desktop/AzulOx Working Commercial"
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/"  uuid 
Directory/Documents/SWork/Photography/Image Licenses"
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/"  uuid 
"volumeid:?path=/Users/afritz/Desktop/Video Projects"
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/"  uuid 
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/"  uuid 
"networkshareid:?mountpath=/Volumes/Josh's Archive/JoshArchive"
digikam.database: location for  "/Users/afritz/Master Portfolio"  is available 
digikam.database: location for  "/Volumes/Home Directory/Documents/SWork/Master
Portfolio"  is available  true
digikam.database: location for  "/Volumes/Home Directory/Desktop/Syndicate"  is
available  true
digikam.database: location for  "/Users/afritz/Desktop/Syndicate"  is available
digikam.database: location for  "/Volumes/Misc External Drive/CommercialWork" 
is available  false
digikam.database: location for  "/Users/afritz/Desktop/AzulOx Working
Commercial"  is available  true
digikam.database: location for  "/Volumes/Home
Directory/Documents/SWork/Photography/Image Licenses"  is available  true
digikam.database: location for  "/Users/afritz/Desktop/Video Projects"  is
available  true
digikam.database: location for  "/Volumes/AulOxSSD4"  is available  true
digikam.database: location for  "/Volumes/Josh's Archive/JoshArchive"  is
available  true
KMemoryInfo: Platform identified :  "Unknown"
KMemoryInfo: TotalRam:  -1
digikam.general: Allowing a cache size of 60 MB
digikam.thumbsdb: ThumbDB SelectThumbnailSetting val ret =  0
digikam.thumbsdb: ThumbDB SelectThumbnailSetting val ret =  0
digikam.thumbsdb: Thumbs database: have a structure version  "3"
digikam.general: Thumbnails database ready for use
digikam.general: Switch to widget style:  "Fusion"
Dynamic session lookup supported but failed: launchd did not provide a socket
path, verify that org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist is loaded!
digikam.dimg: ("/System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles",
"/Library/ColorSync/Profiles", "/Users/afritz/Library/ColorSync/Profiles")
digikam.dimg: The original Adobe RGB (1998) profile has been found at
digikam.general: Camera XML data:  "/Users/afritz/Library/Application
digikam.facedb: FaceDB SelectFaceSetting val ret =  0
digikam.facedb: FaceDB SelectFaceSetting val ret =  0
digikam.facedb: Face database: have a structure version  "2"
digikam.facesengine: Face database ready for use
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add database writer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add faces trainer
digikam.facesengine: Face database ready for use
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add database writer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add faces trainer
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
digikam.general: AudioOutput backends: ("AudioToolbox", "OpenAL", "null")
digikam.general: Stacked View Mode :  0
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
digikam.general: "browse_album"
digikam.general: "browse_tag"
digikam.general: "browse_labels"
digikam.general: "browse_date"
digikam.general: "browse_timeline"
digikam.general: "browse_search"
digikam.general: "browse_fuzzysearch"
digikam.general: "browse_gpssearch"
digikam.general: "browse_people"
digikam.widgets: Paths to color scheme : 
digikam.widgets: ""  ::  ""
digikam.widgets: "SunsetColor"  :: 
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
digikam.dimg: Root lens database dir: 
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "6x6.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "actioncams.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-canon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-casio.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-fujifilm.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-kodak.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-konica-minolta.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-leica.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-nikon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-olympus.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-panasonic.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-pentax.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-ricoh.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-samsung.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-sigma.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-sony.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "contax.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "generic.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-canon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-fujifilm.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-nikon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-olympus.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-panasonic.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-pentax.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-samsung.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-samyang.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-sigma.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-sony.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-tamron.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-zeiss.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "misc.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "rf-leica.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-canon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-hasselblad.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-konica-minolta.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-leica.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-nikon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-olympus.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-panasonic.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-pentax.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-ricoh.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-samsung.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-samyang.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-schneider.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-sigma.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-soligor.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-sony.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-tamron.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-tokina.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-ussr.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-vivitar.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-zeiss.xml"
digikam.dimg: variant:  QVariant(Digikam::LensFunIface::DevicePtr, )
digikam.dimg: dev:  AEE  ::  AEE DV  ::  6
digikam.dimg: Search for camera  "" - ""  ==> false
digikam.dimg: Search for lens  ""  ==> false
digikam.dimg: updating data
digikam.dimg: updating data
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: new search text settings:  "" : hasResult =  false , validRows
=  0
digikam.general: add :  "Facebook 2000px"
digikam.general: add :  "Full Res"
digikam.general: add :  "Blog Post 2000px"
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "Local Master Portfolio"
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "Titan Master Portfolio"
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "Titan Syndicate"
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "Local Syndicate"
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "Temp - AzulOx Commercial Work fom
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "AzulOx Working Commercial"
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "Image Licenses"
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "Video Projects"
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "AulOxSSD4"
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "Josh's Archive"

... This is where it sits for a while. Josh's Archive is mounted and is a large
(~500gb) archive. After a wait, it moves on with a few more things (4 or 5
seconds tops) then the main window pops up.

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